Shard of Spring
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Tavern Talks
Green Hamlet
Yor hear that a priest has been kidnapped and is being held prisoner in Blackfort by Devir the Destroyer. Blackfort was built in the forest southeast of the river by Galin the Good, but taken over by Devir.
Precious Plains
A woman from east of the mountains says that she has been terrorized by Edrin, a powerful friend of Siriadne's. She overheard two men saying there is a secret passage in the corridor on the second level.
A muscular dwarf with big, beady eyes says he was attacked by Shamblers, horrible swamp monsters made by performing ancient magical rituals on dead swamp matter molded into human form...
Spider Bay
The Arena is fine if you are a fighter, but a wizard need go to Terynor for his training. Terynor is nestled in the mountains far to the northeast and is rich in magical items.
The gate leading into Siriadne's fortress is magically bound and cannot be opened.
A greying old wizard sitting by the fire is talking about magical staves. He says there are five kinds, one for each of the 5 elements of Fire, Metal, Wind, Ice, and Spirit. They are rare and powerful artifacts indeed...
You hear a whisper from behind you: 'A band of rebels that despises the evil Siriadne has taken refuge in the hills to the southwest.'
A gnomish wizard is talking about elementals: unnatural, magical beings summoned by great wizards. They are five: one for each element. The Fire elemental is a being of pure fire, the Spirit elemental is mystical and feared.
An ancient looking elvin wizard in the corner beckons you. He tells you in a shaky voice the second word in the name of the Ancient spell: 'Reveli'
Years ago Islanda was ruled by the evil Moonglow family. Because of them the land is still terrorized by evil monsters. Eldron Greyhair ended their reign and still holds a great treasure for adventurers on a worthy mission.
* Coming soon * From the makers of the Shard of Spring... an adventurer set in the midst of a greater evil...

You enter a damp and misty chamber with a skeleton staked to the far wall with daggers.
His head has been twisted in an unnatural fashion to face the door. Thus shall be the fate of those that betray Devir the Destroyer...'
You find a small key lying in the corner of the room.
Thank the Gods you have come to rescue me!', cries a ragged old man wearing a holy symbol around his neck.
Too bad he'll never get out alive!', says a hill giant with a toothless grin. (encounter -> Hill Giant)
The priest thanks you for freeing him from his giant captor and blesses the party.
You have stumbled upon the chambers of a foul smelling ogre. He charges towards you with a huge spiked mace and a deafening battle cry.
This just isn't your day.
(encounter -> Ogre)
This room is the home of an orc. This orc is no normal orc - with huge muscles and a gleaming two handed sword,
which he is wielding in your direction with skill and fierocity. (encounter -> Orc+, drop Sword +1)
A map has been carved into the hard dirt floor of this holding cell.

This is the lair of Devir the Destroyer - a friend of Siriadne's that siezed power of this stronghold from Galin the Good.
Galin's Royal Seal still hangs upon a lonely wall. Devir's evil eyes stare at you from beneath a horned helm.
(encounter ->
Devir, drop Royal Seal)

Corner of a small room. (get Copper Key)
Someone's sleeping quarters. (get Oil Lantern)
You only see a storeroom full of empty boxes, but you hear scrathing noises...
(encounter Rat)
Two men have killed each other here. One has a battle axe in his skull and the other has a knife in his chest.
(get Battle axe)
A demonic altar has been built here.
Beyond a door you hear someone singing, 'Blue is the sea. Red is for blood; and Green is for trees'.
Two fighters are drinking hear and eating cooked rabbit.
(encounter Lvl 6 Fighter and Lvl 4 Fighter, drop 2-Hand Sword)

Before you is a large door made of carved ebony. On either side of the door are cobras coiled and ready to attack.
(encounter Cobra)
The large oaken door is locked and shut. (unlock with Silver key)
A misty crypt. A number of ancient tomb tones cover the moist earth.
A glint of silver catches your eye from the ground...
(encounter Ghoul, drop Silver Key)
A wizard's laboratory. The walls are scuffed with a multitude of burn marks and bottle and glass tubing are scattered about the room.
A blue liquid is bubbling in a beaker over a flame.
(encounter Lvl 4 Wizard, drop Heal Potion)
A huge room that is the home of a giant. Bones and rotting flesh are everywhere.
(encounter Hill Giant)
The dining room of the keep. A few fighters were eating a foul smelling stew when you barged in.
(encounter Fighters)
This is the kitchen. The cook is cutting up some old meat to throw in a pot when you entered.
(encounter Cook)
A massive chamber elegantly furnished. Sitting around a large marble table are three men who seem to be discussing something.
When you enter they grab their weapons and run to attack.
(encounter Edrin and fellows -> (drop Plate)
Empty room. (get Gold Key)
A shambling mound has been placed at the end of the corridor to guard this door.
(encounter Shambling Mound)
A pool of water that seems to radiate vitality beckons you...
(10 times free healing)
Before you is the lair of the swamp king. He is a muscular man with a skull for a helmet and two shamblers as guards.
(encounter Swamp King and fellowers, drop King's head)
You see a horrifying monster made up of decaying vegetable and swamp matter.
It stands seven feet tall and its glowing yellow eyes tell a history of anger and wrath.
(encounter Shambling Mound)
This is a guardpost. Two guards with broadswords are stationed here.
(encounter Guard)
Holding cell where a shambling mound is being kept. Bones and rotting vegetation are everywhere.
(encounter Shambling Mound)
A message written in blood on the wall reads - 'Secret door in passage between forest and pool'.
*If you want leave the dungeon, go NORTH on area map to prevent re-entering.
You are in a dark misty passage hidden in the mountains.
You are in a large dark room. To the south are three shadowy figures. You can feel them watching your every move,
but can not see their faces. You feel a creeping chill...
A shadowy figure whispers, 'The only way to get to the island in the lake of fire is to teleport there.'
Only the old man in the cave can do this. He is a friend of the gate keeper.'
A shadowy figure whispers, 'Great wizards know of powerful spells in a mystic language that have been lost in the fabric of time.
The spell guarding the gate to Ralith is one of these.'
A shadowy figure whispers, 'The first word of the spell to destroy the gate of Ralith is 'DAZA''.

Before you is a large brass plate set into the stone floor. The plate has unknown magical runes carved in it.
A voice from deep within the tower echos, 'Welcome to the tower of the Gate Keeper'.
This room lies within the top of the tower and large windows in all directions give a dizzying view of all the land.
The Gate Keeper stands before you, 'One of these 4 gates will lead you to a distant island. The others???'
(red marked door leads to north east island)
The Tomb of Vandiguard. Inscription reads, 'May these eternal fires always burn in your memory'.
Second scrawled inscription reads, 'And may you burn in hell for as long...'
(encounter Vandiguard)
The Tomb of Cercion. Inscription reads, 'for a man who loved the sea and died by it'.
Scratchins reads, 'That makes us proud we drowned him in it.'
(encounter Cercion)
The Tomb of Murthin (The Mad). Fancy inscription reads, 'This tree represents the life that you gave us'.
Graffiti reads, 'Nothing without a heart can live. This tree is the only thing in this tomb that was ever truly alive.'
(encounter Murthin)
The Tomb of Lothian. Plaque reads, 'Your life was a maze of reality and illusion'. May you be lost forever...'
(encounter Lothian)
I hope you are prepared to name the clan, lest you suffer needlessly!' The brothers are:
Eldron proclaims, 'You have done well. I have been watching you and your quest to kill Siriadne is noble indeed.
To aid you I give you this ring. With it your enemies will be struck by a Tempest!'
(get Storm Ring)
You are within a winding cave passage shrouded in sulfurous mist.
The cave walls are damp with moisture and the echoing sounds of mysterious chanting swirl in and out with the mist.
Before you is an ancient looking man seated before a fire. He looks up from his meditation to speak,
'Once you have reached Ralith there will be no turning back. Only a teleport spell will return you to Ymros. Choose a path wisely.'
(red door to Ymros, green door to Ralith)
In the center of the pool lies a shining silver statue of a muscular warrior He holds his head erect and his sword to the sky.
(camp here, let one wizard cast 'DAZA REVELI' to open the gate.)
The entry room. A large dragon hisses, 'Welcome to the tower of Ralith!'
(encounter Large Dragon,)
The great hall. A powerful looking fighter is here with a few friends.
You get the feeling you're not wanted.
(encounter Warrior King and fellowers)
The staute gallery. A number of finely carved marble figures adorn the far wall. They are all of great and powerful warriors -
past rulers of Ralith's tower.
The scorching heat of the flames makes your eyes tear and your shoulders burn.
Within the sanctuary of the flames is a skeleton holding a brilliant crystal to its chest.
As you reach out for the crystal its hollow eyes fill with fire.
(encounter RALITH, get F-field key)

This is a wizard's library. A number of books are about words of command and you read one of interest on how they can be mentally blocked out.
You see a baby dragon cruled up at the foot of a staircase leading up.
As you enter he lets out a puff of steam and moves menacingly towards you.
(encounter Baby Dragon)
A few of Siriadne's lesser henchmen are dining on a meal of meat and ale.
They draw their weapons and advance.
(encounter fighters and wizards)
My, my. Care to play?, asks a hulking giant-as he charges the party.
(encounter Mountain Giant)
A towering figure appears from around a corner, 'OH!, I hope you provide more sport than the last group...'
(encounter Mountain Giant)
The art gallery. The paintings are quite beautiful and represent a history of wealth and proserity.
Most of them depict tranquil landscape scenes - ironic considering the tower's current owner.
A demonic chapel has been built here. The walls have been charred black.
Two gargoyles with glowing red eyes guard the altar.
(encounter Gargoyle)

To the south is a balcony leaning out of the tower. From there you see the lake of fire surrounding Ralith.
Beyond is a grand expanse of plains. What looks like a dove is perched upon the balcony.
A beautiful bird made of paper folded in to the shape of a dove is on the edge of the balcony.
As you move towards it a great flapping of wings is heard and a great black bat-like creature with red eyes swoops down at you.
(encounter Dark Raven, get Teleporter)
You are in a library with stacks of old and dusty tomes. They are appear to be about elements and how they are summoned.
It would take a great wizard indeed to summon one, but it is possible.
A shimmering force field prevents you from passing.
A pool of water that eminates power is here.
(heal for 10 times)
A gleaming sword bars further entry into this room. It follows you movements and maneuvers with great skill.
(encounter Metal Elemental)
A red door at the end of the passage is guarded by a demon.
Its skin is red and scaly, its very gaze implies fire that singes the soul.
(encounter Fire Demon)
A blast of heat hits you as you open the door.
A being like hugh bonfire jumps out at you leaving a trail of fury and flames...
(encounter Fire Elemental)
This is a balcony high in the the tower. A great wind blows up from outside and swirls inside the room.
A great tornado seems to in the room, and moving towards you with a roaring that deafens the ears.
(encounter Wind Element)

An Ice Demon has been placed here to guard the door.
The passageway has become quite cold and the demon gives off a deeper chill of its own.
(encounter Ice Demon)
This room is very cold but the sight of the gigantic creature of deep blue ice within chills you to the very bone.
(encounter Ice Element)
You stand at the entrance to a huge chamber. It appears empty but you sense a powerful approaching you.
(encounter Spirit Element)
A great dragon guards this room. This sight of its huge claws and leatherey wings inspires terror.
(encounter Great Dragon)
You are assailed by the tower shaking roar of a tremendous dragon as it pounces upon you.
(encounter Great Dragon)
(facing south)
There are four many-faceted gems implanted in the wall here. One each of blue,
green, violet and red. Enter gem to touch (B,G,V,R) or ESC
=> BBRG (hint: Blue is the sea; Red is for blood; and Green is for trees)
You feel as if you are becoming insubstantial. Like a ghost you begin to float upwards through the ceiling above you and into a dark corridor.
You feel solid once again and realize there is no way of getting back down.
With a sweeping motion of her huge wings, Siriadne summons two ancient dragons from the open sky.
You have come this far only to die. I have lived for a thousand years and shall live for a thousand more...'
Siriadne ! and Great Dragon x2)
