Might Magic 3 Walkthrough Area C4 Might & Magic III / Area C4
Though the Isles of Illusion be sandy spots, there are wells with magical powers scattered across the terrain. Drink deep of their waters, for few places of such harsh atmosphere offer so great a relief and assistance.

A well of contradiction. Drink?
->Your aim is magically guided! (Accuracy +60)
A well of contradiction. Drink?
->You feel magically tougher! (Endurance +60)
The ruins of a once proud castle lie before you. Investigate?
->Greywind the Illusionist. "I am Greywind the Illusionist. My spirit will haunt this ruined castle until the spell that locks me here is broken. Enter this fallen keep and work the combination that will release me."
->to Castle Greywind
A pirate's treasure chest lies half buried in the sand. Open?
->The chest wavers like a vision in the heat as your hands pass right through it.
->chests can be opened on Day 99

