In the days when Fountain Head was created Morphose was summoned to be its protector, but the Rat Overlord captured him and locked him in a magical cell, allowing the Mooserats to run free in the town along with their allies that take shape from the green ooze. Morphose must be freed to lift the curse of ooze.
->game start here
Forty Winks. An aged man stands behind the counter, skimming the names in a leather book, "Ha! Welcome to the Forty Winks. Will ya'be signin' the register?" (Inn)
Green ooze surges in the fountain's bowl. Throw in a coin?
->The coin sinks in the sludge. (for ALL fountains before curse lifted)
->The coin sinks in the sludge. (for ALL fountains before curse lifted)
The ground shakes with the thunder of hooves as horsemen practice swordplay in mock cavalry campaigns. The Master at Arms yells above the clamor, "Do ya' seek trainin' ?" (Training Grounds)
->up to Lv10
->up to Lv10
Town gates. Leave Fountain Head?
The owner of the Lonely Hearth wipes ale off the counter top as drunken adventurers stagger around the room. "Have a seat, travellers. Can I get ya' anythin' ?" (Bar)
->(food) Orc Gruel. Made from ingredients that are best left untold. A full pack will last 5 days before going bad (that is, worse than it already is). Fill your packs for 10 gold?
->(tip) Visit the ARENA from any mirror portal.
->(rumors) Search the cavern below this town to find the altars that sell skills.
->(rumors) The fortune teller outside the town walls gives wise counsel to all.
->(food) Orc Gruel. Made from ingredients that are best left untold. A full pack will last 5 days before going bad (that is, worse than it already is). Fill your packs for 10 gold?
->(tip) Visit the ARENA from any mirror portal.
->(rumors) Search the cavern below this town to find the altars that sell skills.
->(rumors) The fortune teller outside the town walls gives wise counsel to all.
Pegee the Apprentice. "Friends, I am no' a beggar, but I am short 50 gold for materials for me studies. If ya' helps me I can give membership to Raven's Guild" Pay?
->obtain Raven's Guild membership
->obtain Raven's Guild membership
Fen's Fineries. A stubby warrior stands proudly by a gleaming treasure of weapons, armor and general goods. "Exquisite, yes? Prices good. You browse?" (Armory)
Ye faithful subjects of King Righteous, deliver the Ultimate Power Orbs to Castle Whiteshield.
Zahab's Vaults. Zahab, keeper of the gold, sits behind a pile of coins, guarded by the mighty Myron. "Welcome to my humble vaults. Can I help you?" (Bank)
Cypher the Chart Maker. Cypher looks up from a table littered with scrolls and ink bottles. "Would ya' like me to show ya' the ways of map makin' for 25 gold?"
->learn Cartographer skill
->learn Cartographer skill
Odd Jobs
Ergon the Taskmaster. "Much work could ya' do in a week. 50 gold is the wage. Labor for me ya' will?"
->work 10 days for 50 gold
->work 10 days for 50 gold
Temple Greenleaf. Two robed figures stand motionless and silent as a hushed voice escapes from deep within a misting vat. "Help, you seek?" (Temple)
Fleeting images shimmer in the silvered pane like reflections in a lake. Speak your destination and be carried away! Enter your destination. (Teleporter)
Raven's Guild. A wall of stone rumbles open to reveal the glowing eyes of the Guardian. "Do you wish to peruse our spells?" (Guild)
(after curse lifted)
An effervescent voice gurgles from the water, "Give freely of your wealth of gold, if greater experience be your goal. Will you drop gold in my fountain bowl?"
->1 gold exchange 1 Exp.
An effervescent voice gurgles from the water, "Give freely of your wealth of gold, if greater experience be your goal. Will you drop gold in my fountain bowl?"
->1 gold exchange 1 Exp.
(with rope) A pit descends to caverns below the city. Enter the caverns?
->to Fountain Head Cavern
->to Fountain Head Cavern
Wanted: Artifacts of Good. Reward offered. See Praythos in Castle Whiteshield.
Skull Miser
Kranion, Priest of the Five Forces.
"Friends, I am buildin' a shrine to the five Forces and need ornaments to adron its columns. Will ya' help me? (yes) "It is said there are Silver Skulls scattered about this isle. Bring me five and be rewarded."
->(with skull) "Aha! Now I can finish me shrine! Bless'd by the Forces will ya' be. Use the password RATS in the cavern below. And if ya' find more skulls, bring them to me for further reward." [1,000 Exp.]
->(more skull) "More lovely skulls! Maybe someday I will unlock the power of their secrets. Don't forget to use RATS in the cavern below this town." [1,000 Exp.]
"Friends, I am buildin' a shrine to the five Forces and need ornaments to adron its columns. Will ya' help me? (yes) "It is said there are Silver Skulls scattered about this isle. Bring me five and be rewarded."
->(with skull) "Aha! Now I can finish me shrine! Bless'd by the Forces will ya' be. Use the password RATS in the cavern below. And if ya' find more skulls, bring them to me for further reward." [1,000 Exp.]
->(more skull) "More lovely skulls! Maybe someday I will unlock the power of their secrets. Don't forget to use RATS in the cavern below this town." [1,000 Exp.]
A pit descends to caverns below the city. Enter the caverns?
->to Fountain Head Cavern (x9,y0)
->to Fountain Head Cavern (x9,y0)
Gems set in the corners of the chest glow with power. Open the lid?
->Morphose. A gaseous form rises from the chest and hovers in the air before you. "I am Morphose, servant of Gaiam and protector of Fountain Head. By releasing me from my prison you have lifted an enduring curse from this fair town. Accept my reward and heed my advice. Visit the fountain that stands alone!"
->[25,000 Exp., 2,500 gold, Lv1~Lv2 items x6]
->Morphose. A gaseous form rises from the chest and hovers in the air before you. "I am Morphose, servant of Gaiam and protector of Fountain Head. By releasing me from my prison you have lifted an enduring curse from this fair town. Accept my reward and heed my advice. Visit the fountain that stands alone!"
->[25,000 Exp., 2,500 gold, Lv1~Lv2 items x6]
(after curse lifted and toss in a coin)
Two wizards locked in mortal strife. Destroyed each other's keep. Now bound in life that isn't life. They seek the peaceful sleep.
Two wizards locked in mortal strife. Destroyed each other's keep. Now bound in life that isn't life. They seek the peaceful sleep.
(after curse lifted and toss in a coin)
Entombed in curse the Princess sits. Raw sorrow fills her halls. Gifts of heart to her submit. To breach her loveless halls.
Entombed in curse the Princess sits. Raw sorrow fills her halls. Gifts of heart to her submit. To breach her loveless halls.
(after curse lifted and toss in a coin)
Seek the sister of the waters blue. Near the southwest corner true. Bring her shells from the Great Sea's depths. And greatly shall she aid your quests.
Seek the sister of the waters blue. Near the southwest corner true. Bring her shells from the Great Sea's depths. And greatly shall she aid your quests.
(after curse lifted and toss in a coin)
Ancient items of evil and good. And neutrality, too, were concealed. Search the sands, mountains and woods. For their value will soon be revealed.
Ancient items of evil and good. And neutrality, too, were concealed. Search the sands, mountains and woods. For their value will soon be revealed.
(after curse lifted and toss in a coin)
Six brothers settled in the land. With names arranged in certain course. One then vanished from the band. And left the others in remorse.
Six brothers settled in the land. With names arranged in certain course. One then vanished from the band. And left the others in remorse.
(after curse lifted and toss in a coin)
Take the twisting horn of gold. To the central meadow. Find the unique steed of old. And relieve its dying sorrow.
Take the twisting horn of gold. To the central meadow. Find the unique steed of old. And relieve its dying sorrow.
(after curse lifted and toss in a coin)
With the presentation of one past ten. Two shall be forever vanquished. Their strongholds felled and kingdoms barren. Your title of Champion is established.
With the presentation of one past ten. Two shall be forever vanquished. Their strongholds felled and kingdoms barren. Your title of Champion is established.
(after curse lifted and toss in a coin)
Powerful orbs hold the key. For ultimate rule of the land. Deliver them to the kings of three. To strengthen their command.
Powerful orbs hold the key. For ultimate rule of the land. Deliver them to the kings of three. To strengthen their command.
The call of adventure is a call to roam. Return again by saying HOME.
(after curse lifted and toss in a coin)
Below the canopy of the vaulting sea. Lies the mystery of the Ancient's dream. An Ultimate Adventurer must ye be. To unravel their tangled scheme.
Below the canopy of the vaulting sea. Lies the mystery of the Ancient's dream. An Ultimate Adventurer must ye be. To unravel their tangled scheme.
(after curse lifted and toss in a coin)
The mistress of marauders. At the northeast tip of flames. Seeks the pearls her greed requires. For her spirit to be tamed.
The mistress of marauders. At the northeast tip of flames. Seeks the pearls her greed requires. For her spirit to be tamed.
The bands of the wooden chest are engraved with ornate flourishes. Do you wish to open?
->[500 gold, 25 gems, Lv1 item x1]
->[500 gold, 25 gems, Lv1 item x1]
The bands of the wooden chest are engraved with ornate flourishes. Do you wish to open?
->[2,500 gold, Lv1 item x1]
->[2,500 gold, Lv1 item x1]
The bands of the wooden chest are engraved with ornate flourishes. Do you wish to open?
->[900 gold, Lv1 item x1]
->[900 gold, Lv1 item x1]