Nestled in Phantom Peaks, the Tomb of Terror is the final resting place of the ancient beasts known as the Shadow Dwellers. A curse shall fall upon those who disturb their eternal slumber. VonEmosh, master of the walking dead, makes his home deep within this tomb. Any who would face the Vampire King must first defeat his entire army of undead soldiers.
A curse shall fall upon any who defile the tombs of the Shadow Dwellers!
Beware the guardians of the sacred vaults. Their appetite for precious stones is voracious!
Ahead of you is a gateway to outdoors. Leave this catastrophic catacomb?
A monstrous apparition seeps out the floor and passes through the party, reducing some of your gems to dust.
->[-20 gems, HP -50]
->[-20 gems, HP -50]
Greater power than any mortal dares imagine dwells in the Mausoleum!
Death that is not death awaits those who disturb the soul of VonEmosh, master of the walking dead!"
A King's Ultimate Power Orb sits cradled in its altar stand, a faint glow and distant hum radiating from its pearl-like center. Take the Orb?
The name of VonEmosh can barely be seen through the creeping vines that cover the stone tomb. Open the lid?
->[Lv5 items x6], Vampire King appears (Cursed -5)
->[Lv5 items x6], Vampire King appears (Cursed -5)
The throne of the Mysteries of the Graveyard Earth. Sit?
->Your stats are up and so is your level! (Lv +20, All attributes =3)
->the member eradicated if not an Ultimate Adventurer!
->Your stats are up and so is your level! (Lv +20, All attributes =3)
->the member eradicated if not an Ultimate Adventurer!
The throne of the Halo of the Midnight Moon. Sit?
->Your stats are up and so is your level! (Lv +20, All attributes =3)
->the member eradicated if not an Ultimate Adventurer!
->Your stats are up and so is your level! (Lv +20, All attributes =3)
->the member eradicated if not an Ultimate Adventurer!
The throne of the Chill of the Moonlit Mist. Sit?
->Your stats are up and so is your level! (Lv +20, All attributes =3)
->the member eradicated if not an Ultimate Adventurer!
->Your stats are up and so is your level! (Lv +20, All attributes =3)
->the member eradicated if not an Ultimate Adventurer!
A relief of strange creatures engaged in a macabre dance surrounds the tomb of Lash.
Open the lid?
->The party found a Sun Ray scroll do you wish to read it? (Cleric spell) (Cursed -5)
Open the lid?
->The party found a Sun Ray scroll do you wish to read it? (Cleric spell) (Cursed -5)
A relief of strange creatures engaged in a macabre dance surrounds the tomb of Ra'aa.
Open the lid?
->[Lv5 items x6] (Cursed -5)
Open the lid?
->[Lv5 items x6] (Cursed -5)
A relief of strange creatures engaged in a macabre dance surrounds the tomb of Blayde.
Open the lid?
->The party found a Divine Intervention scroll do you wish to read it? (Cleric spell) (Cursed -5)
Open the lid?
->The party found a Divine Intervention scroll do you wish to read it? (Cleric spell) (Cursed -5)
A relief of strange creatures engaged in a macabre dance surrounds the tomb of Poyson.
Open the lid?
->poison gas!
Open the lid?
->poison gas!
A relief of strange creatures engaged in a macabre dance surrounds the tomb of Blude.
Open the lid?
->[Lv5 items x6] (Cursed -5)
Open the lid?
->[Lv5 items x6] (Cursed -5)
A relief of strange creatures engaged in a macabre dance surrounds the tomb of Phyre.
Open the lid?
->[Lv5 items x6] (Cursed -5)
Open the lid?
->[Lv5 items x6] (Cursed -5)
A relief of strange creatures engaged in a macabre dance surrounds the tomb of Payne.
Open the lid?
->[Ancient Artifact of Good] (Cursed -5)
Open the lid?
->[Ancient Artifact of Good] (Cursed -5)
A relief of strange creatures engaged in a macabre dance surrounds the tomb of Deeth.
Open the lid?
->[Ancient Artifact of Good] (Cursed -5)
Open the lid?
->[Ancient Artifact of Good] (Cursed -5)
Two monsters locked in the hideous embrace are carved into the lid of Mirk Cauldelle's tomb.
Open the lid?
->[Ancient Artifact of Evil] (Cursed -5)
Open the lid?
->[Ancient Artifact of Evil] (Cursed -5)
Two monsters locked in the hideous embrace are carved into the lid of Ndru Cauldelle's tomb.
Open the lid?
->[Ancient Artifact of Evil] (Cursed -5)
Open the lid?
->[Ancient Artifact of Evil] (Cursed -5)
A foreboding figure cloaked behind folded wings marks the lid of the tomb of Koshek, Guardian of Night. Open the lid?
->[Lv6 items x6] (Cursed -5)
->[Lv6 items x6] (Cursed -5)
A foreboding figure cloaked behind folded wings marks the lid of the tomb of Neshek, Guardian of Night. Open the lid?
->[Hologram Sequencing Card 005] (Cursed -5)
->[Hologram Sequencing Card 005] (Cursed -5)