Wizardry 7 Walkthrough Witch Cave Wizardry VII - Witch Cave

1. ->to Witch Mountains

Ascending into the dark sable crown of the Witch Mountains, you feel as if about to set foot upon an etherial stage of unnatural forces.
2. A strange sound can be heard from somewhere distant. It sounds like a woman, crying. Then it sounds like it is calling out to someone. And then turns into a spoken whisper. But it is too faint for you to make out the words.
3. Before you appears a shackled ghost. It looks pleadingly at you. As if wanting something from you. Then it becomes angry and charges, a grimacing demon. Its face becomes like death and it enters into you. Only to disappear and leave you cold, so very cold.

->members silenced
4. Upon the wall of the cavern hangs a mirror of black stone. As you approach, a spectral face with teeth of gold appears within.

Rat's tails and demon's blood, what name be under South Witch hood?

->answer Tis Xandasa

Upon calling out the name, a wild pandemonium of hisses and colored vapors suddenly erupts before you. From the billow of swirling fumes is revealed the figure of a raving witch.

Thou that calls my name, shall know thy bane! Wilt thou fill my hold, with 1000 coins of gold?

->answer yes

The prophesy be done!

A pillar of smoke engulfs the witch, becoming blindingly white. Your eyes become transfixed upon it and watch as another form appears within.

Thou knowest this form? From him shall one universe end to beget yet another!

Then suddenly the eyes of the figure begin to glow! The vision attacks!

->encounter ?Statue? (win, +1000 EXP)

The crumpled body of the fallen figure slowly begins to transform amidst swales of darkly mists. Soon to reveal the bloody corpse of the raving witch. Dissolving into an etherial vapor, it eventually dissipates into the hushed air, leaving naught but a small shiny object on the cavern floor.

5. Upon the wall of the cavern hangs a mirror of black stone. As you approach, a spectral face with a nose of gold appears within.

Toad's warts and black cat's blood, what name be under West Witch hood?

->answer Tis Carmela

Upon calling out the name, a wild pandemonium of hisses and colored vapors suddenly erupts before you. From the billow of swirling fumes is revealed the figure of a raving witch.

Thou that calls my name, shall know thy bane! Wilt thou fill my hold, with 1000 coins of gold?

->answer yes

The prophesy be done!

A pillar of smoke engulfs the witch, becoming blindingly white. Your eyes become transfixed upon it and watch as another form appears within.

Thou knowest this form? Behind her darkened brow, doth lie the secret illumination!

Then suddenly the figure attacks! The vision attacks!

->encounter ?Vi Domina? (win, +10000 EXP)

The crumpled body of the fallen figure slowly begins to transform amidst swales of darkly mists. Soon to reveal the bloody corpse of the raving witch. Dissolving into an etherial vapor, it eventually dissipates into the hushed air, leaving naught but a small shiny object on the cavern floor.

6. You see a moving swarm of dainty glowing lights up ahead.
7. The little lights seem to be moving, always ahead of you.
8. Upon the wall of the cavern hangs a mirror of black stone. As you approach, a spectral face with ears of gold appears within.

Bat's boils and raven's blood, what name be under East Witch hood?

->answer Tis Barbana

Upon calling out the name, a wild pandemonium of hisses and colored vapors suddenly erupts before you. From the billow of swirling fumes is revealed the figure of a raving witch.

Thou that calls my name, shall know thy bane! Wilt thou fill my hold, with 1000 coins of gold?

->answer yes

The prophesy be done!

A pillar of smoke engulfs the witch, becoming blindingly white. Your eyes become transfixed upon it and watch as another form appears within.

Thou knowest this form? In the scheme of his master, yet another game shall unfold!

Then suddenly the figure attacks! The vision attacks!

->encounter ?Aletheides? (win, +10000 EXP)

The crumpled body of the fallen figure slowly begins to transform amidst swales of darkly mists. Soon to reveal the bloody corpse of the raving witch. Dissolving into an etherial vapor, it eventually dissipates into the hushed air, leaving naught but a small shiny object on the cavern floor.

9. The tiny lights have disappeared into the darkness.
10. From out of the darkness the swarming stars engulf you!

->encounter Witch's Light
11. Upon the wall of the cavern hangs a mirror of black stone. As you approach, a spectral face with eyes of gold appears within.

Dragon's wings and ogre's blood, what name be under North Witch hood?

->answer Tis Naralda

Upon calling out the name, a wild pandemonium of hisses and colored vapors suddenly erupts before you. From the billow of swirling fumes is revealed the figure of a raving witch.

Thou that calls my name, shall know thy bane! Wilt thou fill my hold, with 1000 coins of gold?

->answer yes

The prophesy be done!

A pillar of smoke engulfs the witch, becoming blindingly white. Your eyes become transfixed upon it and watch as another form appears within.

Thou knowest this form? In death shall you meet, and in death shall he be victorious!

Then suddenly the figure attacks! The vision attacks!

->encounter ?Dark Savant? (win, +10000 EXP)

The crumpled body of the fallen figure slowly begins to transform amidst swales of darkly mists. Soon to reveal the bloody corpse of the raving witch. Dissolving into an etherial vapor, it eventually dissipates into the hushed air, leaving naught but a small shiny object on the cavern floor.

12. Upon the wall of the cavern hangs a mirror of black stone. As you approach, a spectral image with no face appears within. She lingers for an instant, and clutches something in her hand. Then she points behind you, and softly fades away. Peering behind you, there is a small dais and a bright object which was not there a moment ago.
13. Drawing forth to the phantom dais, the shining object resting upon it appears to be in the shape of a human head, made of solid gold, but lacking any facial features. Just a blank, void golden head.

Touching the witch's golden teeth to the gilt head, they magically meld into place.
Touching the witch's golden nose to the gilt head, it magically meld into place.
Touching the witch's golden ears to the gilt head, they magically meld into place.
Touching the witch's golden eyes to the gilt head, they magically meld into place.

The beautiful face of the golden head now complete, a phosphorescent brume begins to coalesce around the bewitching fantata. From the smoky plumes arises the full form of the golden witch Hilynda, enchanting and radiant, and made whole again. One hand is raised upright, in a reverent sign of peace and tranquility, and in the other burns bright a glowing pyramid, upon whose apex floats an illuminant eye. With a voice delicate and tender she speaks:

And in thy final hour of darkness, when the battle be bloodiest and all hope becomes lost. Let this icon, this Elysiad, be thy guiding spirit, and help deliver unto thee thy place of destiny, as thee hast delivered unto me mine own.

She then waves her hand over the divine icon and it becomes black as jet, and she places it upon the dais. Then, speaking again, she says:

Herein this domain lies a part of thy puzzle. For as the prophesy is fulfilled, the time has come that it be revealed. Remember that thee dost always travel a road leading to thine own discovery.

And in an iridescent plumage of billowing clouds, she becomes an ether and gently wisps away.


Picking up the obsidian tetrahedron, you feel a flowing surge of enchanted energy, which bestows a special blessing.

->each member increase one attribute, wall at point '14' removed
c1 Bat Necklace, Stave Pro Undead, Haunting Stick
c2 Opening the ancient chest, you uncover a package of sealed waxy wrappings. Inside the wrappings you find an old piece of preserved parchment.

->get *SPHINX* map (+10000 EXP)

