Wizardry 7 Walkthrough Ukpyr After Wizardry VII - Ukpyr After Attack

1. Looking into the rubble of General's Headquarters, you see an arm protruding from the debris. Quickly digging into the fallen stones, you uncover his bloody and ripped body. Gazing down upon him, you know that his time is close at end. With a straining gasp he chokes a whisper.

Duty Power Victorieeeghh...

And then the Umpani general is still and breathes no more. Soon, the explosion cease and you can hear the sounds of Umpani soldiers shouting orders and the sounds of the dying and wounded. The explosion that hit the Command Center has blasted the side away, and you can see into the din outside. There is smoke, confusion and scattered Umpani everywhere.
2. Security Station

There are several desks inhabiting the small security chamber, but other than that it appears fairly vacant.
3. ->search

Searching through a desk you find large stacks of filed reports, far to voluminous to read at the moment, and nothing which appears to be strikingly important.
4. ->search

Searching through a desk you find large stacks of filed reports, far to voluminous to read at the moment, and nothing which appears to be strikingly important. Almost by chance, however, you spot one folder marked "DETACHE STATION", and decide to open it up. Inside are several official reports and sets of processed orders, none of which seem to reveal anything worth noting. But then you find a card entitled "SECURITY VAULT", and underneath stamped this serial number: "2723539". Continuing to quickly scan the documents, you find nothing else of particular interest.
5. Map Room, Restricted
6. Inspecting the large maptable in the center of the room, you carefully survey the world as the Umpani reconnaissance has mapped it. Ukpyr, the Umpani fortification is sprawling with little green triangles all around it. A large buildup of red squares seems to be centered to the far north and west, huddled around a block of ruins. New City, in the center of the map, has both red squares and green triangles along its edges. Dotted over the entire map are various groupings of the green and red symbols, which you conclude most likely denote Umpani and T'Rang strongholds or troop placements. The most interesting feature, however, lies circled in the center of the great Sea of Sorrows, the large body of water south of New City. In the center of the Sea, a small island is circled in red and a '?' has been drawn over it. Apparently, the Umpani believe that there is something significant about the marked island, but nothing on the map indicates anything further.
7. Stepping outside, you see ranks of the mighty armsmen fleeing the town, vacating their fortress and seeking safety in the nearby forests. Your own senses are still numbed by the shock of what has happened, but you feel that perhaps there is more here still to be uncovered. And such an opportunity may not present itself for long.
8. Supply Depot
9. I.U.F. Barracks
10. Firing Range
11. Umpani Central Humpawhammer

Mounted to the door is a small grey box, a row of lights on the box blink rhytmically without pattern, underneath the winking lights, a thin slit serves as inlet.

->use [HUMPA CARD]

Inserting the card into the grey box, the lights blink twice and then remain on.
12. N.E.P.S. Barracks
13. Recruiting Station
14. Recreational Facility
15. Space Authority
16. This side of the Spaceport appears to be a storeroom, filled with crates and heavy metal pieces.
17. Prying open a few crates, you find they contain giant metal objects, far too heavy to carry, and whose purpose is rather enigmatic.
18. A huge painted plat covers the inside wall of the Spaceport Center, although what you are looking at makes no sense. It appears to be flecks and colored circles painted onto a dark blue background, with white lines and numbers scattered over it.
19. Stepping closer to the wallmap, you study its feathers in more detail. Then it dawns on you, in the center of the map is a large yellow circle, and upon the outer edge of a concentric ring of circles around it, a tiny sphere is labeled with the following inscription: GUARDIA. And on a ring around the sphere Guardia, another small white globe has been drawn. As if a giant sea, the air, the sky, space itself lies plotted on this amazing mural, as plainly as any skipper's navigational charts who sails the oceans.

You remember seeing such a map before, on your journey to this world, but it is only now that you begin to fathom its true meaning and purpose. And you realize that these creatures cross the skies just as the men of your world cross the sea. Masters of the heavens. Glancing over the entire mural again, your brain begins turning into jelly trying to conceive of the hundreds of circles, worlds, that dot its surface, as if each were a tiny bubble afloat within a vast and infinite foam.

You read names and names and more names, trying to remember that each represents an entire planet, like your own, like Guardia, perhaps teeming with strange peoples, perhaps full of wondrous new things to behold. How the magiks of the universe have wrought such a weave of intoxicating shores!

You turn away, no longer able to withstand these lofty thoughts. But after a few breaths, you turn back and study the little globe Guardia once again. A small metal pin sticks out of the map in an empty patch of blue near the planet, and under the pin you read the following: HORATHA TRACKING - S:18,49 D:34,82,+17, hmmm. Finally, your eyes and head begin to ache, and you decide to look for an alternate source of entertainment and reading material.
20. ->to Link(6)
21. ->to Link(7)
c2 Stiletto, Musket, Flak Jacket, Flak Vest, Walriblade, Powder & Shot
c3 Stiletto, Musket, Flak Jacket, Flak Vest, Walriblade, Powder & Shot

