Wizardry 7 Walkthrough Rattkin Ruins Wizardry VII - Rattkin Ruins

1. (entering) Before you can react, you are hoisted up into the tree, shuffled and passed from branch to branch, and finally deposited into a crude and weathered bungalow, apparently either built into the top of the tree or overhanging it in some fashion. The place looks completely abandoned.

(leaving) Grabbing onto the branches at the top of the tree, you climb down to the ground below.
2. Oops, not quite completely abandoned!

->encounter Rattkins

The squat furry Rattkins seemed most surprised and disturbed by your appearance, and no doubt word of your arrival is quickly spreading throughout their squirrelly network.
3. Walking out from the bungalows, you reflect upon the wild construction of edifices and interconnecting tunnels from which you have emerged, marveling at the complexity of its apparent random design. It seems likely that the intricate structure was composed from the stones of the old village ruins, for the other half the fallen city lies barren, little more than an open filed of wild grass and brush.
4. Scattered bones make grisly piles along the husk of the ruins, as if dumped here once the meat from their carcasses had been picked clean.


From among the bones you discern a varied assortment of cannibalized creatures, some clearly beast, other more human, and even a few skulls resembling the rodent-shaped heads of the rat-men.
5. Charred logs and embers from a bonfire lie within a circle of stones here, and though the fire has long extinguished, the ground underneath still possesses a slight warmth. It makes you wonder what kind of a bizarre ritual might transpire here amongst the ratmen, and you imagine swarms of the furry little creatures in the light of a full moon, dancing wildly about the roasting body of a recent prey, tiny mouths drooling with ecstasy in anticipation of their forthcoming meal.
6. ->to Link(5), a deadend
7. Emerging from a small alcove, an odd looking Rattkin wearing dark spectacles and tapping a wooden cane slowly hobbles out to meet you.

Coins for the blind. Kind Sirs, could you spare a few coins for the unfortunate?

->answer yes

The old blind Rattkin embraces you, patting you on the back, and exclaims.

May your generous souls be equally rewarded!

A sudden pleasant sensation comes over you, the good feeling that aspires from assisting others in need, and you are left basking with a tingling lightness of being.

->you can trade with Blienmeis

->try to steal from Blienmeis

Oddly enough, though Old Blienmeis obviously flinched at your clumsy attempt to rifle through his pocket, he makes no sudden outburst or cry, but instead stands callously hunched as if fallen into a slight stupor. Protruding from one of his pockets, a small ring dangles enticingly, caught slightly in the fold of a kerchief where you had fumbled it a moment ago. It seems almost to bulge out at you, ready to hop into your hand, and sensing the moment, you quickly snatch it up, before it can fall to the ground with a tell-tale tinkle.

(you will lose some items when stealing. Make the member who try to steal have ONLY equipped items in his backpack)

A cool breeze crosses by you, and Old Blienmeis turns to face the sky, saying.

Weather seems to be turning, eh?!

And with that he quickly retracts into the alcove, hands over his head for cover as if protecting himself from invisible droplets of rain.
8. ->to Link(10), nothing special there
9. Rubi's Funhouse

Upon the door, barely visible, the faded painting of a bug-eyed clownish face stares out with a banana-like smile. There is a hollow pin protruding where the clown's nose should be.
10. Bertie's Bungalow
11. Entering the small shoppe, you are surrounded by stacks and piles of raw wooden rods and shafts. In the air are wisping traces of a light down, and in the corner you spot several stuffed bags which all seem to be sporting holes coughing forth the feathery flotilla. In the back of the room, you also perceive a number of bows mounted upon the wall, each of various size and shape. From underneath a rumble of sticks and feathers, a small chattering furried fellow pops up and immediately starts a frenzied rant of syllables and half-sentences.

Why I never! What's the meaning!?? How did you?? Who are? Oh oh oh. Have you nice shiny coins?!

->answer yes

Good good! It be my secret! I get what you need! You get me shiny coins!

->you can trade with Bertie (buy FEATHER WEIGHT)

(shop) Feather Darts, Sling, Bullet Stone, Short Bow, Long bow, Willow Arrow, Lt. Crossbow, Quarrel, Spike Stone, Shrike Arrow, Barbed Arrow, Ta-Li Stone, Enchanted Bow, Armor Piercer, Hunter Quarrel, Wrist Rocket, Mystic Arrow, Feather Weight
12. Barging into the room, you interrupt a gang of roused Rattkin polishing their swords and sharpening their daggers. As they revel in their succulent good fortune at your foolhardy intrusion, a big fat ugly Rattkin in the back shouts out.

Look what the cat's dragged in, boys! Let's clean 'em!!

->encounter Grimal & fellows
13. Ratskell's Thieves Guild
14. The room is vacant, though adorned with old chains and burnt torches.
15. From behind the heavy oaken door a muffled voice calls out.

Only genius thieves, rogues, and brigands may enter. If you would prove yourself, stick your hands through the window!
16. You approach the window, debating the wisdom of honoring the dangerous request.

->put hands through window (no one equip [SIGNET RING])

Gritting your teeth, you insert your hands through the bars of the window. Small furry paws quickly race over your hands, as if probing them in some secret ritual of divination.

Neechht! Look at these sad gimpers! You couldn't steal from a dink if he was blind! Come back when you've had more practice.

->put hands through window (one member must equip [SIGNET RING])

Ah! You wear the mark of the Guild upon your finger! Enter herein, fellow purlionettes!
17. Entering the dimly lit shoppe, you make out the form of a familiar figure standing before you.

It warms my cockles to hear your footsteps again. It must confess, however, that your skills are quite lacking. Crude, weak, pathetic, ineffective, sluggish, oaffy. Not to mention obvious. What you need is help. And lots of it!

->you can trade with Blienmeis

(shop) Bite Dagger, Feather Darts, Poison Dart, Thieves Dagger, Pipes of Doom, Journey Map Kit, Book of Relics, Filcher's Band, Flynn's Cap, Goatfoot Boots, Knock Picks, Iron Key, Pewter Key, Brass Key, Silver Key

->ask Ring of Reflextion

The Ring of Reflextion contains a very special power. Created by an ancient Rattkin Magi long ago. I have but one, and it comes at a great price. Will you pay 12000 gold pieces for it?

->answer yes (get [RING OF REFLEXTION])

You must invoke the magic of the ring to transfer its power.

->ask Funhouse

They say the Razuka operate out of the old Funhouse. It's dangerous to do business with the Razuka. One little mistake, and well. Let's just say that old Bliemeis wasn't always Blienmeis. But if you want to get inside, Blienmeis will help. Will you pay 1000 gold pieces for a nose?

->answer yes (get [RED RUBBER BALL])

This will get you inside, but after that you're on your own.
18. ->a pit here, go down to point '19'
c1 Vorpal Blade, Brass Key, Death Star, Kabuto, Helm&Coif, Copper Gloves
c2 Books, Potions, Dusts, Wands
c3 Lt. Crossbow, Ninjato, Rapier, Shrike Arrow, Forest Cape, Stiletto

