1. | (fall from In Rutis Pyr NOTERA FURMI above) You land with a hard thud, tumbling along the ground. Shaking the dizziness from your head, you stand up to find yourself in a large cavern. The atmosphere seems breathable, though dry and a bit stale. Peering up toward the surface you spot the place from whence you fell about thirty feet above your head, a hole of light in the darkness of the cavern sky. |
2. | Stepping into the area, your foot suddenly plunges into a soft spot of the ground, releasing an ochre-green gas. (members get poisoned) |
3. | Gas Pocket! |
4. | Ahead in the cavern lies a clutter of rags and bones, the remains of some ill-fated band of travelers. As you start to wonder whether anything of value might be found amongst the departed, a movement appears in the shadows. ->encounter Cave Thraxes |
5. | Standing closer, the bones of the adventurers appear quite ancient. ->search Searching through the remains of the dead party, you find some very old and interesting items. ->Broadsword+1, Midnight Cloak, Stone of New Life, Silver Solleret, Platemail+2(U)&(L), Tosei-Do(U)&(L) |
6. | In the cavern ahead of you are piles of large gooey balls, which fill the area completely. The odor coming from the balls is quite obnoxious, and the goo that binds them together a sticky putrid molasses. ->use [THERMAL PINEAPPLE] Pulling the small pin from the metal pineapple, you toss it into the cavern of sticky balls. A searing envelop of flames engulfs you! (members take damage) (after toss pineapple) In the cavern ahead you are piles of black carbonized shells. |
7. | Trying to navigate the volume of strange sticky pones, you become hopelessly covered in their thick goo. (members get paralyzed) Finally you turn back, realizing there is no way to get through without becoming so immersed with the miry balls that they would suck you in to linger a slow suffocating death. It makes you think that perhaps this is a natural ability by which the odd balls obtain nourishment, presuming, of course, that they are alive in some fashion. (after toss pineapple) Passing through the area, the charred shells crumbled and flake with a soft crunch as you trod over them. |
8. | Several large capped vats are stored in the corner of the cavern. |
9. | Standing at the vats, you notice a dried grey crust has formed around their lips. ->pry open a vat Prying open a vat, you immediately succumb to the horrible wafting aroma of fermenting bug juice, stock for the pukey T'Rang gruel. (members get nauseoused)" |
10. | Neatly situated, side by side as if statues in a garden, three Savant Guardians stand motionless, frozen in time. There is no indication of wounds or damage, and yet they appear lifeless and quite dead. |
11. | You approach one of the immobile Savant Guardians. It appears to be dead. ->use [MYSTERY RAY] Pointing the hand-held device at the frozen Guard, you pull the small tong on its underbelly, bathing the statue in a wide glowing ray. Nothing seems to be happening. When suddenly sparks begin shooting out its head and it springs to life in a mad berserkened rage! ->encounter SV. Berserker |
12. | You approach one of the immobile Savant Guardians. It appears to be dead. ->use [MYSTERY RAY] Pointing the hand-held device at the frozen Guard, you pull the small tong on its underbelly, bathing the statue in a wide glowing ray. Nothing seems to be happening. When suddenly sparks begin shooting out its head and it springs to life in a mad berserkened rage! MzzzPfssstzt... -System Failure- Bzzzzzztt! (Crackle) Hrrrmmmbzzzssst... -Warning! Overload- Rrrststsst! Bzrrrpfuuzzzt... HOST: Central Security Access Bbbbzztztzt! Ruurmmbrrrsshhhzz... LINKAGE SERVER: 018@67c1 Rzzztzttt!! Termination Sequence Initiated... Giiiziziibpftt!!! And with that, the guardian charges in a fury of flames and sparks! (after fight) Trying to recall the meaningless jumble of the insane Savant, you write what you can remember onto a piece of parchmant, sensing that it might hold some vital clue. ->get [PARCHMENT] |
13. | Everywhere around you are blackened empty husks. |
s1 | (from Nyctalinth) You descend into a large cavern, cold and dry. The ground shows traces of the brown icky goo that seems to follow in the wake of passing T'Rang, an indication that they probably frequent the area. |
c1 | Crusader's 2H Axe+1, Hayai Bo, Holy Basher, Heavy Crossbow, one reagent |
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