Wizardry 7 Walkthrough Hidden Temple Wizardry VII - Hidden Temple

1. ->from Munkharama
You find yourself standing within a large grimey chamber, a cool steady breeze seems to provide a supply of fresh air throughout the area, although no visible source of the pleasant wind is apparent. You can see no sign that would indicate the presence of lurking inhabitants, although this does not rule out the possibility.
2. ->pull level to open left gate
3. ->stairs to Link(6)
4. ->push button to remove wall at '5'
5. ->use [KEY OF GOOD KEEP] to open this gate
6. ->pull level to open front gate
7. ->a trap here, party fall down to B2F '21'
8. You pull the level but nothing happens, it appears to be broken.

->try to fix it

Playing with the level for awhile and getting nowhere, you eventually resort to more forceful tactics. Pretty soon the floor is littered with pieces of hacked level parts, everybody is yelling at everybody else, and finally you concede that some things were not meant to be. Standing back and looking at the results of your handiwork, the poor thing teeters for a moment, and then in a last dying gasp, mercifully falls completely off the wall with a clump, most dead. The gate, quite unaffected by all your antics, seems to silently smirk.
9. ->push button to remove wall
10. ->search
The candle sconce pulls out from the wall! (wall removed)
11. ->use [RUSTED KEYS] to open these gates
12. ->use [MUNK'S KEY] to open gate
13. Amid yells and spells, a congregation of munks quickly form their ranks in anticipation of your uninvited intrusion, the commanding munk heading for the rear while those of agile and swift execution charge to the front. It is then that you notice the row of coffers that they were transporting, surely filled with all kinds of black magic and unholy artifacts. From the back of the pack you hear a darkly voice intone:


->encounter Lord of DK.Forest
14. ->push button to remove wall at '15'
16. ->use [NOTCHED SHAFT]

You insert the notched shaft into the small hole, deep inside the wall you detect a faint click.

->trap at '7' deactivated
17. ->use [ONYX KEY] to open this gate
18. You step into the arena of a tremendous cathedral, its bizarre frescoes long faded, its papal pews submerged under a dense cesspool of stagnant water, and filled with the wrenching odor of offal and decay. Thick molds cover much of the ceiling and chamber, and splotches of scummy mires are visible floating upon the surface of the water, it is not a very pleasant atmosphere.
19. ->a healing fountain
20. ->push button to remove wall

Keep of the Holy Work.

->use [KEY OF THE TEMPLE] to open the gate
21. ->from B1F '7'
22. Emitting squeaky cries amid threatening leaps, kicks and karate chops, a ragged munk, disgusting and filthy, covered with festering sores and oozing green scabs and foaming wildly at the mouth, insanely begins to claw and bite at you.

->encounter Frothing Munk

(win) At least the wretch is out of his misery.
23. Stepping into the darkness, you hear the sound of dragging footsteps, and about six feet above your head, a hot fetid heavy breathing.

->encounter Leper Giant
24. The chamber is vile and obscene, filled with more of the feculent outcasts and lost souls.

->encounter more Frothing Munk
25. ->teleported to B1F '26'
27. Descending into the remains of an old abandoned mausoleum, you behold an array of statuesque figures in the shadows, the figures do not seem to be moving, and the quiet of the crypt is so still that you suspect them to be stone carvings.
28. Stepping forward, cautious of the stony silhouettes, you espy a deep pit in the center of the chamber, it is then that you notice the figures are not stone statues at all. Rather, they appear to be neolithic mummies, petrified over the passing of the ages.
29. Drawing close to an ancient corpse, you see that the intricate dust webs which gently drape its form confirm your prognosis, dead.
30. Stepping up to the dark pit, you kick a loose pebble into it, hearing nothing, you decide to veto any suggestion which includes the words: "jump in".

->pull level at '31', message changed as below

Standing at the pygmy altar and the midnight globe, your fingers begin to tingle at the possibilities.

->take the black globe

With sublime deftness you grasp the globe! Just as the stone-faced statues begin to awaken from their deep slumber, and the glint of light reflecting off a small plaque concealed underneath the globe hits your eyes, the sound of hissing gas reaches your ears.

->encounter Skeleton Lord (few members got paralyzed)

(win) Muttering underneath your breath at the diabolically fiendish trap, you peer down and gaze at the engraving on the small plaque. WIKUM's GLOBE of POWER.


->pull level at '31' again to open the closed gate
31. ->push button to remove wall, pull level and re-entering the sepulcher
You discover that the deep pit has risen up to the surface of the floor, bearing a dwarfish altar upon which sits a black globe.
c3 [KEY OF GOOD KEEP], [Pandora's Wand] can be found here
c4 [KEY OF THE TEMPLE], one staff like [Staff of Blessing] or [Staff Pro Paralysis]
c5 Wands, Potions, Scrolls and one Reagent
c6 Wands, Potions, Scrolls and one Reagent
c7 Inside the chest you remove a long bar made of steel, in which are cut many irregular notches, if it's a code of some kind, it's a very good one.
c9 The ancient chest is so covered with a scunge growth that it is difficult to distinguish where the box ends and the floor begins, obviously it has been here a long time, perhaps forgotten or thought lost after the cathedral became submerged. Carefully opening the antediluvian locker, you find a thick bundle sealed in a waxy dressing, untouched by the years of confinement. Inside the bundle you uncover an old book, entitled "HOLY COVENANT" and inscribed with antiquitus writing, opening the book, a piece of preserved parchment lies neatly folded in between two of its pages.

->get [HOLY COVENANT], *CRYPT* map, (+10000 EXP)

The book is filled with chants, prayers, and liturgies, and many references to the Divine Munkharam. While it contains nothing that is particularly helpful at the present, it does have a few nice pictures of flowers.

