Wizardry 7 Walkthrough Hall of the Past Wizardry VII - Hall of the Past

  green letters: messages
red numbers(1~25): going down, 1 to 1', 2 to 2' and so on.
blue numbers(51~78): going up, 51 to 51', 52 to 52' and so on.
a. ->to Chamer of Gorrors
b. ->spinning square
d. ->push button to remove wall
e. ->face south then search to push button, wall removed
f. ->use [KEY OF WATERS]
g. ->fountain recover mana only
h. Inside the room are two large crystals, each with a symbol inscribed upon its surface.
(Dragon and Skull crystals)

->follow the order Dragon, Tower, Moon, Cross, Skull, Sun, Star, Egg
i. Inside the room are two large crystals, each with a symbol inscribed upon its surface.
(Egg and Moon crystals)
j. On the surface of the floor in front of you lies an engraved pentagram, surrounded by eight runes. Egg Moon Cross Tower Dragon Skull Sun Star.
k. Inside the room are two large crystals, each with a symbol inscribed upon its surface.
(Cross and Tower crystals)
l. Inside the room are two large crystals, each with a symbol inscribed upon its surface.
(Sun and Star crystals)
m. You step into the pentagram.

->after touch the runes in order, wall at south removed
n. ->monster shows everytime you step on this square
o. ->auto moving to point [23] then randomly drops to B7F [18'], [20'] or [23']
p. ->use [KEY OF THE GATE]
q. ->to Final Dungeon
c1 Medicine Bag, KEY OF WATERS
c2 Coif of Divinemail, Stone of New Life, Displacer Cloak
c3 Cask of Ill Repute, Staff of Doom, Black Gown of Death(U)&(L), Powerpak
c4 KEY OF THE GATE, Tomb of Demons, Lyre of Cakes
c5 Cautiously opening the seductive chest, you find within it a packet sealed in a waxy coating. Opening the packet, you uncover an ancient parchment.

->get *STAR* map (+10000 EXP)

