Legend of Faerghail - Elven Pyramid 3F ~ 4F Legend of Faerghail - Elven Pyramid 3F ~ 4F
Elven Pyramid 3F

This altar is obviously used for sacrificing small animals on.
->get [Sacred Dagger]
The air is filled with incense.
A statue is here, on the base is written: "Our ruler".
You enter a round corridor.
An Elf is concentrating on his work at a table. Without turning his head he says: "Here's the key you wanted back."
->get [Key of Fire]
A status is here, on the base is written: "Our greatest ruler."
->get [Scroll of Power]
The door in front of you is locked.
->use [Key of Earth]
Here is a button on the wall, would you like to press it?
This room reminds you fatally of a high priest's living quarters.
Here is a ring-shape button, would you like to press it?

The button changes and becomes a ring.
->get [Antimagic Ring]
In front of you is a room filled with bookcases reaching the ceiling.
Two books seem to have been waiting just for your arrival. You find something to read:
->get [The Capital], [Book of Herbs]
(7e,4s), (9e,7s) ->get [Dragon Chain]
(8e,4s), (9e,5s) ->get [Dragon Leather]
(9e,4s), (9e,9s) ->get [Golden Casket]
->get [Polymorph Wand]
Here is a button on the wall, would you like to press it?
->get [Enchant Armour]
->get [True Scroll]
You look out of a window down at the forest.
A status is here, on the base is written: "Our great ruler."
It smells awful here, you've found a un-magical Elven toilet.
You are standing in a washroom containing a marble sink.
You enter a room, the torch on the wall is just going out.
A sudden breeze puts out the light!
->use [Gunpowder]
You hear the stillness of the meditation room.
You're standing in front of a definitely not open door.
->use [Key of Fire]
A locked door impedes your progress.
->use [Key of Air]
This looks like a stone altar. Perhaps it is one...
Here is a button on the wall, would you like to press it?
These are the meagre quarters of the priests.
->get [Key of Light], [Holy Water]x2
->get [Drum of Fear]
->get [Key of Water]
A key has been welded onto a hook on the wall, would you like to take it?
->get [Key of Air]
->get [Key of Earth]

Elven Pyramid 4F

->get [Enchant Weapon]
->get [Lord of Rinse]
->get [Healing II]
->get [Antidote II]
->get [Ring of Kybol]
->get [Poison I]
->get [Glassy Key]
->get [Chest]
->get [Big Nugget]
->get [Potion of Haste]
And again, a locked door.
->use [Gunpowder]
A thundering voice says: "Oh, how nice, some new playthings for me!"
Here stands a ruby statue, its realistic aura could make one believe that it's alive.

->encounter Mask Bearer

->use [Leather Pouch], get [Death Mask]
The large claw tracks in the ground make you conclude that this is the landing area of dragons.
A barred prison door blocks your passage.
->use [Glassy Key]
A small creature says: "I'll tell you a secret for only 250 goldies."

He says: "The key to the old Elven King lies near his books. Look for a secret door in the South."
You are in a nicely furnished lounge.
A black flame leaps upward.
->use [Holy Water]

The flame dies down.
Here is a locked door.
->use [Key of Light]
You enter a quiet meditation room.
An Elemental appears and asks a question: "Twelve children walk to the fore, and twelve children walk at the rear I counted them, there were only twelve children. In what formation did the children walk?"
->answer CIRCLE

But before you can use it, you'll have to answer a riddle from one of the guards. I'm not allowed to tell you the answer, but think about the work of the Dwarves... In order to fulfil your cause you may need this..." ...and he presents a bow to you.
->get [Elven Bow]

