Derelict Castle B1F
(0e,20s), (0e,22s), (11e,13s), (12e,11s), (14e,9s), (21e,13s) ->get [Big Nugget]
(1e,28s), (2e,28s) ->get potion [Holy Water]x3
(1e,28s), (2e,28s) ->get potion [Holy Water]x3
Here is a very dusty coffin, but no feather duster is within reach.
->get potion [Healing II]
->get potion [Poison I]
refresh spring
The voice coughs, then thunders again: "You have been warned!"
->get [Healing Potion]
heal wounds spring
->get [Bone]
A voice reverberates: "He who disturbs will take up my heritage!"
You're standing in front of a massive stone door, behind which is probably a burial room.
use [Gunpowder] to remove door
->get [Blue Map], same as map Nr.1 in handbook
You look down onto a stone plate embedded in the ground, but cannot decipher the writing on it.
In front of you is a lonely hall filled with creepy silence. In the distance you hear a choking sound.
You enter an enormous crypt. Here lie the bones of the castle's ancestors.
->get [Nugget]
->get [Blizz. Sceptre]
->get [Friendship Ring]
Here lies the restless body of Count Covac, the present Lord of the castle.
A powerful force pulls you back!
->get [God's Hammer]
An inscription on the door says: "Here lie the immortal remains of Idrielle, the woman of my heart."
->get [Large Shield+]
Another two ghosts float on by, one says: "You're a liar, it's not to the left and in the middle, but the other way around." The second ghost says: "Don't believe him, I tell the truth."
->get [Golden Casket]
You've entered the balming room. Few have been here and lived long...
A button with a sign: "Press me and save your feet.
->press it to remove forcefield in front of chest contains God's Hammer
->press it to remove forcefield in front of chest contains God's Hammer
->get potion [Poison II]
A button with a sign: "I double all angles."
Here, it smells strongly of balms and tinctures oils and death.
A button with a sign: "Press me and you lose all you worries.
->press it, Click.
You are sorry about your decision... (all member lose about 30% HP)
->press it, Click.
You are sorry about your decision... (all member lose about 30% HP)
The strange runes on a stone say: "Stranger, turn back, there is nothing here for you."
A powerful force pulls you back!
Derelict Castle B2F
The cell door stops your progress.
->use [Tin Key] to unlock
->use [Tin Key] to unlock
->get [Bone]
A forgotten prisoner has been left here, rotten bones and strips of clothing lie on the ground.
You look into a corridor, cells are on both sides.
->get [Ring of Shelter]
A notice on a wall: "Pantry, wipe your feet."
A voice from above: "You haven't wiped your feet."
Here is a glass button, press it?
->get [Tin Key]
A notice warns: "Caution - vicious dog."
The stretcher and thumb-screws all over the place lead you to the idea that you've entered the torture chamber.
A prisoner is chained to the wall here, and asks for some water.
->use [Water Jug]
He drinks and tells you that there is a map in his pocket.
->get [Ugly Map], same as map Nr.6 in handbook
->use [Water Jug]
He drinks and tells you that there is a map in his pocket.
->get [Ugly Map], same as map Nr.6 in handbook
(11e,14s), (14e,7s), (14e,9s), (14e,11s)
A big watchdog growls at you and won't let you through.
->use [Bone]
The dog is occupied with the bone.
A big watchdog growls at you and won't let you through.
->use [Bone]
The dog is occupied with the bone.
->get [Water Jug]
->get potion [Antidote II]
->get scroll [Weaponry Part XV]*1
->get [Chest]
->get [Golden Casket]
->get [Drum of Fear]
->get [Antimagic Ring]
heal wounds spring
refresh spring
Here is a solid stone button, press it?
A great cauldron hangs here over a fire-place.
All kinds of books lie strewn over the floor.
The foot-tracks on the floor reveal that this room has been frequently used.
Chugging and blubbing sounds come from all sides - you've entered a laboratory.
->get potion [Drain Level]
->get potion [Gain Level]
A piece of paper lies on the ground, on it is written:
"He who fights evil with hate is a servant of evil, for he uses violence. He who confronts evil with love is holy, for he reduces violence. He who goes out for the way of evil is a coward, for he bows down to violence. He who accepts evil is a fool, for he makes of himself an offering to violence; and he who unites evil forces into peace is a wise man, for he destroys violence." Beneath this is written: "Good lies to the left of the Lord of the castle."
"He who fights evil with hate is a servant of evil, for he uses violence. He who confronts evil with love is holy, for he reduces violence. He who goes out for the way of evil is a coward, for he bows down to violence. He who accepts evil is a fool, for he makes of himself an offering to violence; and he who unites evil forces into peace is a wise man, for he destroys violence." Beneath this is written: "Good lies to the left of the Lord of the castle."
Someone says: "For 100 gold I'll tell you a secret."
He says: "Examine Idrielles room, it's the key to the Hammer of the Gods and to darkness."
He says: "Examine Idrielles room, it's the key to the Hammer of the Gods and to darkness."
A small prisoner pleads for his freedom, Do you help him?
He thanks you and says: "In the room to the right of the torture chamber there is a hidden gangway. At the end of this there may be something of great worth."
He thanks you and says: "In the room to the right of the torture chamber there is a hidden gangway. At the end of this there may be something of great worth."
At the time of the Great War. Elves and Dwarves together made and crafted weapons for the Legions of the Good, many of these were made with secret recipes for the most different of alloys and hardening techniques, so that these weapons could even withstand the "Dragon's Fire".
However, most of these weapons, and their owners were destroyed in the war.. But, tales are told that some of these legendary weapons surviving the dust of time, and lying safely in the bowels of the Earth...
However, most of these weapons, and their owners were destroyed in the war.. But, tales are told that some of these legendary weapons surviving the dust of time, and lying safely in the bowels of the Earth...