Wilderness East
Town of Thyn

(Seigurd who wants to go Cyldane asks to join you party nearby)
(Seigurd who wants to go Cyldane asks to join you party nearby)
heal wounds fountain
An ancient gravestone, on it is written: "Here lies Eanor".
An ancient gravestone, on it is written: "Here lies Endalin".
A new gravestone, on it is written: "Here lies Findal".
A powerful Elven warrior stands in front of you and asks Findal's family:
Findal's great parent? -> AEGANOR
Findal's youngest uncle? ->SCAGNAR
Findal's father? ->FINDAIL
Findal's great parent? -> AEGANOR
Findal's youngest uncle? ->SCAGNAR
Findal's father? ->FINDAIL
Elven Pyramid
An ancient gravestone, the writing on it is weathered and unreadable.
An ancient gravestone, on it is written: "Here lies Finafin".
An ancient gravestone, on it is written: "Here lies Tomir".
An ancient gravestone, on it is written: "Here lies Tomir".
cure status fountain?
You meet up with an old distinguished high priestess in a forest clearing.
->use [Amulet]
The priestess sees the amulet, smile and says: "As I see, you have a special cause. The Dwarf gave you that amulet, and I would also like to play part in helping you... Take this staff and use it to restore your energy, but use it carefully - its power is limited."
->get [Healers' Staff]
->use [Amulet]
The priestess sees the amulet, smile and says: "As I see, you have a special cause. The Dwarf gave you that amulet, and I would also like to play part in helping you... Take this staff and use it to restore your energy, but use it carefully - its power is limited."
->get [Healers' Staff]
Temple of the Dragon Servants
A Woodkeeper plants himself in your tracks and asks: "Do you know how to catch a vampire, using a ball of mithril?"
In front of you, you see a sword embedded in a stone. The inscription on the stone says: "He who pulls this sword from the stone will never take seat on England's throne."
->Siegurd can pull sword, get [Blade of Power]
->Siegurd can pull sword, get [Blade of Power]
Derelict Castle
to Dwarven Mines B1F
to Dwarven Mines B2F
Wilderness West
Before taking care of anything else, you attend an audience on the Court of Cyldane who after a moment of thought gives order to the troops to gather. He also advises to visit the library of Sagacita in the southwest of his county to gather information on the Elves. (Seigurd leaves)
Before taking care of anything else, you attend an audience on the Court of Cyldane who after a moment of thought gives order to the troops to gather. He also advises to visit the library of Sagacita in the southwest of his county to gather information on the Elves. (Seigurd leaves)
An air elemental appears and asks a question: "I talk without soul, I hear without ears, I talk without mouth, and I'm born in the air. Who am I?"
->answer ECHO
->answer ECHO
Sagacita Monastery
An earth elemental appears and asks a question: "A father's child, a mother's child, but son of none. What is it?"
->answer DAUGHTER
->answer DAUGHTER
A fire elemental appears and asks a question: "Two little windows, they have no glass, they stand together like flowers in grass. Two little windows, they shows us the world, they shows us the stars, the forest, the field, and the fold. What could they be?"
->answer EYES
->answer EYES
You see in front of you, the dried out body of a dead magician clutching a magic staff, aimed at himself. Obviously he died in trying to find out it's correct usage.
->get [Staff of Age]
->get [Staff of Age]
At the end of a path you come to a stone circle - the oracle. A thundering voice is heard: "Go to him, who submitted to evil and find the face of Balaan. Break his imprisoned fire and drown his vision in the dying of life."
A water elemental appears and asks a question: "The more it gets, the more it eats, and once it has eaten everything it dies... What is it?"
->answer FIRE
->answer FIRE
An old priest asks if he may accompany you to the oracle?

->"Ihl Kazar" joins
After giving you a bag, the old man warns: "Take this, but beware to wear the mask as long as it's not in it's bag. Before going to the pyramid, go to the cemetery to the south of it and remember the name of the last one to die."
->get [Leather Pouch]
->"Ihl Kazar" joins
After giving you a bag, the old man warns: "Take this, but beware to wear the mask as long as it's not in it's bag. Before going to the pyramid, go to the cemetery to the south of it and remember the name of the last one to die."
->get [Leather Pouch]
heal wounds fountain
You are standing on a plain and it looks as if a battle has taken place here.
In front you can see the figure of a Halfling turned to stone wielding a strange sword.
->use [Staff of Life]
After the Halfling has changed back into flesh and blood, he thanks you, gives you a sword and says: "This weapon may help you in fighting the dragon. I don't like to be ungrateful, you know."
->get [Stonesword]
->use [Staff of Life]
After the Halfling has changed back into flesh and blood, he thanks you, gives you a sword and says: "This weapon may help you in fighting the dragon. I don't like to be ungrateful, you know."
->get [Stonesword]
You are standing in front of a massive stone door with a circular opening in front of it.
->use [The Staff] (in the morning only)
As the staff is fitted into the cut-out, a beam of light from the morning sun strikes the jewel and hits the small metal ring in the stone door.
->use [The Staff] (in the morning only)
As the staff is fitted into the cut-out, a beam of light from the morning sun strikes the jewel and hits the small metal ring in the stone door.
after rest (random place nearby)
The next morning, a member of your group tells you about a strange, very vivid dream that he has had: "I dreamt of a great battle between dragons and the people of every race. The dragons had a leader, with an evil aura, using dragon fire and a powerful magic in it's evil cause to sweep all before it... All, except a small group gathered around a magician...
I'm sorry, but before the bloody end of the battle, my dream faded and became foggy, and I had the vision of a sword, a sword embedded in transparent stone, the hilt of which depicted in beautiful detail a dragon's head. But, not only did this vision show me this one sword, but also a wonderful bow of exquisite workmanship and a powerful battle-axe, both of which also displayed in beautiful detail on each of it's shafts, the motif of a dragon's head. The vision ended with a face, a terrible laughing face filling up my sight that said: "And now, mortal, the time for vengeance has come, and the stench from my bowels will be terrible!"
The next morning, a member of your group tells you about a strange, very vivid dream that he has had: "I dreamt of a great battle between dragons and the people of every race. The dragons had a leader, with an evil aura, using dragon fire and a powerful magic in it's evil cause to sweep all before it... All, except a small group gathered around a magician...
I'm sorry, but before the bloody end of the battle, my dream faded and became foggy, and I had the vision of a sword, a sword embedded in transparent stone, the hilt of which depicted in beautiful detail a dragon's head. But, not only did this vision show me this one sword, but also a wonderful bow of exquisite workmanship and a powerful battle-axe, both of which also displayed in beautiful detail on each of it's shafts, the motif of a dragon's head. The vision ended with a face, a terrible laughing face filling up my sight that said: "And now, mortal, the time for vengeance has come, and the stench from my bowels will be terrible!"
You hear a deep rumbling sound behind you, as if a passageway had cave in.
to The Mountain
to Dwarven Mines B5F
to Dwarven Mines B6F