Malefia 1F
VA: this area leads to Valarian's statue, LA: this area leads to Lanatir's statue
AL: this area leads to Alliria's statue, FE: this area leads to Ferofist's statue
SC: this area leads to Sceadu's statue, WE: this area leads to Werra's statue
NG: you don't need to go to this area
AL: this area leads to Alliria's statue, FE: this area leads to Ferofist's statue
SC: this area leads to Sceadu's statue, WE: this area leads to Werra's statue
NG: you don't need to go to this area
->teleported to B1F (10e,0n)
Alliria's statue
Only the weak light burning in the eyes, and the expression of utter horror on the face tells you something is very wrong. The statue looks like Alliria. Here, sculpted from a black ice so frozen that it appears to be marble, you see the form of a god.
->use Belt of Alliria
Party member invokes the power of the item. The statue fades into nothingness. You hear a voice says, "Legions horrid and vast."
Only the weak light burning in the eyes, and the expression of utter horror on the face tells you something is very wrong. The statue looks like Alliria. Here, sculpted from a black ice so frozen that it appears to be marble, you see the form of a god.
->use Belt of Alliria
Party member invokes the power of the item. The statue fades into nothingness. You hear a voice says, "Legions horrid and vast."
->teleported to B2F (11e,21n)
Lying sprawled on the cold marble floors you see a skeleton clad in armor. The back and breast plates are crushed as if some giant child grabbed a doll and squeezed it in rage. Suddenly someone gasps. Clutched in one had you see a magnificient weapon. It is a blackened steel spear with razored edges on the head and silver runes etched onto the flatter faces. It exudes power and you instantly recognize it as Werra's Strifespear. That means, you realize, the skeleton belongs to Hawkslayer. It also means you are the only hope of reality...
->get Strifespear

->get Strifespear
The ground seems well worn here.
->teleported to B2F (9w,0n)
Malefia B1F
VA: this area leads to Valarian's statue, LA: this area leads to Lanatir's statue
AL: this area leads to Alliria's statue, FE: this area leads to Ferofist's statue
SC: this area leads to Sceadu's statue, WE: this area leads to Werra's statue
NG: you don't need to go to this area
AL: this area leads to Alliria's statue, FE: this area leads to Ferofist's statue
SC: this area leads to Sceadu's statue, WE: this area leads to Werra's statue
NG: you don't need to go to this area
->teleported to B2F (10e,0n)
Lanatir's statue
Only the weak light burning in the eyes, and the expression of utter horror on the face tells you something is very wrong. The statue looks like Lanatir. Here, sculpted from a black ice so frozen that is appears to be marble, you see the form of a god.
->use Sphere of Lanatir
Party member invokes the power of the item. The statue fades into nothingness. You hear a voice say, "To oppose the Usurper's usurpers."
Only the weak light burning in the eyes, and the expression of utter horror on the face tells you something is very wrong. The statue looks like Lanatir. Here, sculpted from a black ice so frozen that is appears to be marble, you see the form of a god.
->use Sphere of Lanatir
Party member invokes the power of the item. The statue fades into nothingness. You hear a voice say, "To oppose the Usurper's usurpers."
Valarian's statue
Only the weak light burning in the eyes, and the expression of utter horror on the face tells you something is very wrong. The statue looks like Valarian. Here, sculpted from a black ice so frozen that is appears to be marble, you see the form of a god.
->use Valarian's Bow
Party member invokes the power of the item. The statue fades into nothingness. You hear a voice say, "He cannot be defeated by what he can see."
Only the weak light burning in the eyes, and the expression of utter horror on the face tells you something is very wrong. The statue looks like Valarian. Here, sculpted from a black ice so frozen that is appears to be marble, you see the form of a god.
->use Valarian's Bow
Party member invokes the power of the item. The statue fades into nothingness. You hear a voice say, "He cannot be defeated by what he can see."
->teleported to 1F(9w,0n)
Malefia B2F
VA: this area leads to Valarian's statue, LA: this area leads to Lanatir's statue
AL: this area leads to Alliria's statue, FE: this area leads to Ferofist's statue
SC: this area leads to Sceadu's statue, WE: this area leads to Werra's statue
NG: you don't need to go to this area
AL: this area leads to Alliria's statue, FE: this area leads to Ferofist's statue
SC: this area leads to Sceadu's statue, WE: this area leads to Werra's statue
NG: you don't need to go to this area
->teleported to 1F (10e,0n)
As you enter the room, waves of heat wash over you from the lava pit in front of you. Guarding a narrow bridge that spans the chasm is a skeletal figure and his minions. "Fools, none shall pass!!"
->encounter Vortex x10, Tarjan Warrior x20, Black Dragon x2, Redbeard
->encounter Vortex x10, Tarjan Warrior x20, Black Dragon x2, Redbeard
->teleported to 1F (0e,21n)
As the party walks into the room, the floor dissipates and the party falls through a field of stars.
->teleported to Tarjan's chamber
->teleported to Tarjan's chamber
You enter the room and stumble upon an arcane religious ceremony in progress. The priestess points in your direction. "They will make a perfect sacrifice for the Mad One!"
->encounter High Priestess x1, Black Paladin x20, Rock Demon x3, Pit Demon x3
->encounter High Priestess x1, Black Paladin x20, Rock Demon x3, Pit Demon x3
You see the faint outline of a door on the north wall.
->after all statues gone, the door shows
->after all statues gone, the door shows
Werra's statue
Only the weak light burning in the eyes, and the expression of utter horror on the face tells you something is very wrong. The statue looks like Werra.
->use Werra's Shield
Party member invokes the power of the item. The statue fades into nothingness. You hear a voice say, "It can be stolen from the jaws of defeat. The way is open for the new generation."
Only the weak light burning in the eyes, and the expression of utter horror on the face tells you something is very wrong. The statue looks like Werra.
->use Werra's Shield
Party member invokes the power of the item. The statue fades into nothingness. You hear a voice say, "It can be stolen from the jaws of defeat. The way is open for the new generation."
Sceadu's statue
Only the weak light burning in the eyes, and the expression of utter horror on the face tells you something is very wrong. The statue looks like Sceadu. Here, sculpted from a black ice so frozen that it appers to be marble, you see the form of a god.
->use Sceadu's Cloak
Party member invokes the power of the item. The statue fades into nothingness. You hear a voice say, "Hold his allies at bay."
Only the weak light burning in the eyes, and the expression of utter horror on the face tells you something is very wrong. The statue looks like Sceadu. Here, sculpted from a black ice so frozen that it appers to be marble, you see the form of a god.
->use Sceadu's Cloak
Party member invokes the power of the item. The statue fades into nothingness. You hear a voice say, "Hold his allies at bay."
Ferofist's statue
Only the weak light burning in the eyes, and the expression of utter horror on the face tells you something is very wrong. The statue looks like Ferofist. Here, sculpted from a black ice so frozen that it appears to be marble, you see the form of a god.
->use Ferofist's Helm
Party member invokes the power of the item. The statue fades into nothingness. You hear a voice say, "He opens the Gates of Hell."
Only the weak light burning in the eyes, and the expression of utter horror on the face tells you something is very wrong. The statue looks like Ferofist. Here, sculpted from a black ice so frozen that it appears to be marble, you see the form of a god.
->use Ferofist's Helm
Party member invokes the power of the item. The statue fades into nothingness. You hear a voice say, "He opens the Gates of Hell."
->teleported to B1F (9w,0n)
Tarjan's Chamber
You feel an overpowering aura of evil here. You are close to finally fulfilling your quest.
You feel that this is a gate back to Skara Brae. Do you wish to take it?
->go back to Skara Brae Wilderness, just south to refugee camp
->go back to Skara Brae Wilderness, just south to refugee camp
You fell power pulsing like a heartbeat. You are very close to the source of all evil!
->cast PHDO to remove wall
->cast PHDO to remove wall
Tarjan is here

A dark, cloaked figure laughs. "So you think you could defeat me again, like the way you tricked me at Baron Harkyn's castle so many years ago? Now I'll have my revenge on you and I'll take what should rightfully be mine!! I will possess control over all space and time!!" Tarjan waves his arms and conjures up some friends. "Here my pretties, time for target practice."
->encounter High Priestess x2, Black Slayer x30, Rock Demon x30, Lorini
(with default team)
Tarjan has a look of complete surprise on his face, "Most impressive, you are a hardy lot. Now I'll gleefully send you to the hell I came from and torment your souls for eternity." Tarjan waves his arms and cries, "You will not live to see dawn!!"
->encounter Black Slayer x30, Rock Demon x30, Vampire Lords x30, Tarjan

You gather around Tarjan's dead body, carefully avoiding the steaming streams of vitrolic blood burning into the stone floor, and reality slowly begins to unravel around you. You look up and discover, where there had only been a dark rock ceiling, a brilliantly lit chimney of stone. You slowly drift upward. Time and space folds in upon itself and you reach a place made completely and utterly of light. Seated in a glowing throne, a man smiles at you. Though he is youthful and handsome, you recognize him instantly as the old man who sent you upon your quest. Beside him stands your friend Hawkslayer. The enthrone figure pulls out a sword and begins to speak...

"Welcome, brave heroes. You have succeeded in destroying the threat to all reality. As you know, to do this, you slipped the bonds of time, and traveled forbidden routes through that which has forever been. You pressed your struggle forward despite danger and death, and you accomplished that which the gods themselves were unable to do." His praise washes over you like a warm ocean wave, and you feel strength infuse your body.
"In doing what you have done, you have proved youself worthy of nothing less than the ultimate reward." He closes his eyes and raises his hands. "The death of the gods tore reality asunder, but you bound it up again. The gods of old are dead, therefore I accept you as my new children. You shall be gods yourselves!"
His eyes open again and you look upon infinity. At once you see Skara Brae restored to its former beauty. You see beyond it and the Six cities of the Plains. You see the whole world and each of its cultures, and you realize all of it is now your domain. "And so it came to pass that eight new stars burned in the night sky. The least of these, the Companion star, was named Hawkslayer after a hero of legend. The other seven, together known as the Company of Heroes, are each named for one of the New Gods. Each night they can be seen is betokened a good night, and adventures know these gods smile especially upon them..."
-- excerpt from The Gospel of the New Gods (Chap I, Verses 5-9). Your party will now alter time back to the refugee camp. Who knows what new challenges await you in the future!
A dark, cloaked figure laughs. "So you think you could defeat me again, like the way you tricked me at Baron Harkyn's castle so many years ago? Now I'll have my revenge on you and I'll take what should rightfully be mine!! I will possess control over all space and time!!" Tarjan waves his arms and conjures up some friends. "Here my pretties, time for target practice."
->encounter High Priestess x2, Black Slayer x30, Rock Demon x30, Lorini
Tarjan has a look of complete surprise on his face, "Most impressive, you are a hardy lot. Now I'll gleefully send you to the hell I came from and torment your souls for eternity." Tarjan waves his arms and cries, "You will not live to see dawn!!"
->encounter Black Slayer x30, Rock Demon x30, Vampire Lords x30, Tarjan
You gather around Tarjan's dead body, carefully avoiding the steaming streams of vitrolic blood burning into the stone floor, and reality slowly begins to unravel around you. You look up and discover, where there had only been a dark rock ceiling, a brilliantly lit chimney of stone. You slowly drift upward. Time and space folds in upon itself and you reach a place made completely and utterly of light. Seated in a glowing throne, a man smiles at you. Though he is youthful and handsome, you recognize him instantly as the old man who sent you upon your quest. Beside him stands your friend Hawkslayer. The enthrone figure pulls out a sword and begins to speak...
"Welcome, brave heroes. You have succeeded in destroying the threat to all reality. As you know, to do this, you slipped the bonds of time, and traveled forbidden routes through that which has forever been. You pressed your struggle forward despite danger and death, and you accomplished that which the gods themselves were unable to do." His praise washes over you like a warm ocean wave, and you feel strength infuse your body.
"In doing what you have done, you have proved youself worthy of nothing less than the ultimate reward." He closes his eyes and raises his hands. "The death of the gods tore reality asunder, but you bound it up again. The gods of old are dead, therefore I accept you as my new children. You shall be gods yourselves!"
His eyes open again and you look upon infinity. At once you see Skara Brae restored to its former beauty. You see beyond it and the Six cities of the Plains. You see the whole world and each of its cultures, and you realize all of it is now your domain. "And so it came to pass that eight new stars burned in the night sky. The least of these, the Companion star, was named Hawkslayer after a hero of legend. The other seven, together known as the Company of Heroes, are each named for one of the New Gods. Each night they can be seen is betokened a good night, and adventures know these gods smile especially upon them..."
-- excerpt from The Gospel of the New Gods (Chap I, Verses 5-9). Your party will now alter time back to the refugee camp. Who knows what new challenges await you in the future!