The ground seems well worn here.
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Rome (9e,8n)
->go to Rome (9e,8n)
Men in ragged green uniforms, with red stars on their caps, stalk the streets. Children in black uniforms oppose them and battle fiercely for their city.
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Nottingham (10e,1n)
->go to Nottingham (10e,1n)
A cruel, harsh wind sweeps over you and your hear, "I am known as ARES," whispered in your ear.
You see a ghostly death's-head floating above this spot and hear a voice asks, "Who am I?"
->answer TYR
"Now speak my true name, if you dare..."
->answer WERRA to go to Tarmitia
->answer TYR
"Now speak my true name, if you dare..."
->answer WERRA to go to Tarmitia
Through the smoke you see children in uniforms carrying weapons and scurrying for cover. Men in green, with red stars on their caps, oppose them.
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Wasteland (4e,13n)
->go to Wasteland (4e,13n)
Huns roam this city of marble and brick, killing citizens and battling soldiers. Despite your strange garb, you are ignored by many of those fighting around you.
A cruel, harsh wind sweeps over you and you hear, "I am known as ST. GEORGE," whispered in your ear.
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Hiroshima (10e,3n)
->go to Hiroshima (10e,3n)
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Troy (7e,5n)
->go to Troy (7e,5n)
Huns stalk the city streets looking for anyone to kill and anything to steal. Their cruel expressions send a chill up your spine. This city is doomed.
You see a ghostly death's-head floating above his spot and hear a voice ask, "Who am I?"
->answer MARS to go to K'un Wang (3e,1n)
->answer MARS to go to K'un Wang (3e,1n)
Roman legionnaires wander the streets in small squads, rooting out Huns and other looters, thin killing them on the spot. Citizens flee lest they fall prey to these angry soldiers.
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Berlin (1e,10n)
->go to Berlin (1e,10n)
K'un Wang
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Stalingrad (11e,2n)
->go to Stalingrad (11e,2n)
The acrid scent of burning wood floats on the air. Mongol warriors and Imperial soldiers fight in the streets around you while Chinese peasants flee for their lives.
A cruel, harsh wind sweeps over you and you hear, "I am known as SUSA-NO-O," whispered in your ear.
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Troy (4e,9n)
->go to Troy (4e,9n)
You see a ghostly death's-head floating above this spot and hear a voice asks, "Who am I?"
->answer YEN-LO-WANG to go to Wasteland (1e,1n)
->answer YEN-LO-WANG to go to Wasteland (1e,1n)
Mongol invaders and Chinese warriors battle openly in the streets around you. In the confusion you pass almost unnoticed despite your odd garb and looks.
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Wasteland (1e,4n)
->go to Wasteland (1e,4n)
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to K'un Wang (10e,6n)
->go to K'un Wang (10e,6n)
A cruel, harsh wind sweeps over you and you hear, "I am known as MARS," whispered in your ear.
In dry wind drives dust over you and it rattles off armor. The blood-red sky forms a bowl over a broken, glowing landscape that something hideous and powerful has smashed utterly.
You see a ghostly death's-head floating above this spot and hear a voice ask, "Who am I?"
->answer SDIABM to go to Hiroshima (6e,8n)
->answer SDIABM to go to Hiroshima (6e,8n)
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Berlin (10e,6n)
->go to Berlin (10e,6n)
Shattered buildings surround you. Misshappened and misbegotten creatures lurk in the ruins. What ever destroyed this place warped and destroyed these things as well.
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Nottingham (2e,1n)
->go to Nottingham (2e,1n)
You feel an electric tinling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Stalingrad (3e,6n)
->go to Stalingrad (3e,6n)
Building of wood and paper look out of place compared to the machined weapons the warriors carry through the streets. You are marked immediately as strangers and warriors move to engage you.
A cruel, harsh wind sweeps over you and you hear, "I am known as TYR," whispered in your ear.
Fierce warriors in tan fatigues patrol the streets. A rising sun flag flutters atop a nearby building, and your odd garb makes you an immediate object of everyone's attention.
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Troy (4e,2n)
->go to Troy (4e,2n)
Warriors in tan fatigues contrast wildly with the subtle beauty of wooden and paper building in the city. Everyone stares at you because you are obviously foreigners.
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Rome (2e,6n)
->go to Rome (2e,6n)
You see a ghostly death's-head floating above this spot and hear a voice ask, "Who am I?"
->answer SUSA-NO-O to go to Troy (5e,11n)
->answer SUSA-NO-O to go to Troy (5e,11n)
You see a ghostly death's-head floating above this spot and hear a voice ask, "Who am I?"
->answer ARES to go to Nottingham (9e,8n)
->answer ARES to go to Nottingham (9e,8n)
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to K'un Wang (4e,9n)
->go to K'un Wang (4e,9n)
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Hiroshima (7e,8n)
->go to Hiroshima (7e,8n)
A cruel, harsh wind sweeps over you and you hear, "I am known as SVARAZIC," whispered in your ear.
Greek warriors in ornate breastplates battle with bold Trojan warriors in the city streets. In the chaos you are able to pass through the area without organized opposition.
The Trojan palace is a gorgeous building filled with massive marble statues and gilded furnishings. Here warriors oppose your passage, but more, you sense, to stop your stealing their loot than out of loyalty.
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Rome (3e,0n)
->go to Rome (3e,0n)
Struggling warriors fight through the streets and attack anyone or anything belligerent within sight. You see bodies and blood everywhere, and you know this city is already lost.
Warriors clad in Lincoln green lead a peasant mob in assaults against Norman knights. The battle appears to be even.
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Stalingrad (9e,11n)
->go to Stalingrad (9e,11n)
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Wasteland (8e,8n)
->go to Wasteland (8e,8n)
You see a ghostly death's-head floating above this spot and hear a voice ask, "Who am I?"
->answer ST. GEORGE to go to Stalingrad (9e,8n)
->answer ST. GEORGE to go to Stalingrad (9e,8n)
Norman knights, clad in mail armor, battle a rabble of peasants and men in Lincoln green. Though the battle ranges around you, no one side is clearly superior.
Ragged bands of Saxon peasants rush through the muddy streets and engage Norman knights wherever they meet. The Saxons appear to be winning their fight.
A cruel, harsh wind sweeps over you and you hear, "I am known as YEN-LO-WANG," whispered in your ear.
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Berlin (5e,5n)
->go to Berlin (5e,5n)
Here, out of the wind, you watch as men from opposing armies battle each other with clubs and shovels. All look weary, but they do not surrender to their fatigue.
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Hiroshima (5e,10n)
->go to Hiroshima (5e,10n)
Cold winds whip through the desolate streets. Men in black uniforms slink through the streets and battle with weary warriors in ragged green uniforms.
Men in ragged, green uniforms, with red stars on their caps, rage through the streets and assault warriors in black uniforms. Despite the biting cold, the battle is very nasty.
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to Nottingham (1e,8n)
->go to Nottingham (1e,8n)
A cruel, harsh wind sweeps over you and you hear, "I am known as SDIABM," whispered in your ear.
You see a ghostly death's-head floating above this spot and hear a voice ask, "Who am I?"
->answer SVARAZIC to go to Rome (1e,0n)
->answer SVARAZIC to go to Rome (1e,0n)
You feel an electric tingling and know this place is a hole in time. Do you wish to use it?
->go to K'un Wang (1e,8n)
->go to K'un Wang (1e,8n)
->start here from Berlin
Werra's Shield is here, it looks as it was forged yesterday.
->get Werra's Shield
->get Werra's Shield
A tall, hugely muscled man laughs. "You've come for my shield? Earn it!!

->encounter Werra
(won) Werra lies dead before the party's feet. Werra sits up in a pool of his own blood and laughs. "That's the best fight I've had since I battled Hawkslayer and gave him Strifespear." He notices your looks of disbelief. "Come, you didn't think mere mortals could kill me, did you?" He smiles. "Here, my shield is yours. You'll find it in the next room."
The smile fades from Werra's face as a wild screeching sound fills the room and black shapes manifest themselves all around you. "Uh, oh."
->encounter Black Slayer x6
(won) The hoards of slayers didn't seem really interested in attacking the party. They disappear as fast as they appeared leaving only the dead behind. Amid the bodies you see Werra's twisted form. Life drains from him and you know he is beyond help. "It takes a god to kill a god. Drink deep of his blood." He shudders and lies very still.
The body of the valiant warrior Werra, lies crumbled and beaten on the floor here.
->encounter Werra
(won) Werra lies dead before the party's feet. Werra sits up in a pool of his own blood and laughs. "That's the best fight I've had since I battled Hawkslayer and gave him Strifespear." He notices your looks of disbelief. "Come, you didn't think mere mortals could kill me, did you?" He smiles. "Here, my shield is yours. You'll find it in the next room."
The smile fades from Werra's face as a wild screeching sound fills the room and black shapes manifest themselves all around you. "Uh, oh."
->encounter Black Slayer x6
(won) The hoards of slayers didn't seem really interested in attacking the party. They disappear as fast as they appeared leaving only the dead behind. Amid the bodies you see Werra's twisted form. Life drains from him and you know he is beyond help. "It takes a god to kill a god. Drink deep of his blood." He shudders and lies very still.
The body of the valiant warrior Werra, lies crumbled and beaten on the floor here.
Through the smoke you see only shadows and swirls of light. Things gibber and cavort just out of sight, and the wind sounds like the groans of dying warriors.
Here is the strongest feeling of power you have had in this strange warland. Through the door to the south, fate awaits you.
To the east is an image of the wilderness back home in Skara Brae.
->go to Vale of Lost Warriors in Skara Brae Wilderness
Old man's dead
"I know," the old man gurgles, "Werra lies dead." Blood bubbles up on his lips and joins the dark stains on the rest of his clothing. "I, too, have been slain by the Mad One."

"Gather up the prizes you have won, the special ones, those I requested. Hawkslayer has already ventured into Malefia, the land of EVIL. I have placed the prizes in the storage building near the entrance of Skara Brae. Get yourselves hence and help him. Destroy the Mad God Tarjan before he destroys all reality!!"

With those final words, the old man slumps over, and his body dissolves into a mist that a slight breeze stirs and blows away.
"I know," the old man gurgles, "Werra lies dead." Blood bubbles up on his lips and joins the dark stains on the rest of his clothing. "I, too, have been slain by the Mad One."
"Gather up the prizes you have won, the special ones, those I requested. Hawkslayer has already ventured into Malefia, the land of EVIL. I have placed the prizes in the storage building near the entrance of Skara Brae. Get yourselves hence and help him. Destroy the Mad God Tarjan before he destroys all reality!!"
With those final words, the old man slumps over, and his body dissolves into a mist that a slight breeze stirs and blows away.