Tenebrosia Nowhere
BS: Black Scar
You stand before a great canyon. Do you wish to enter it?
->go to Shadow Canyon
->go to Shadow Canyon
The ground seems well worn here.
You seem to be in the middle of Nowhere.
->use Shadow Door and Shadow Lock
You see a hole in the ground. Do you wish to jump in?
->go to Sceadu's Demens
->use Shadow Door and Shadow Lock
You see a hole in the ground. Do you wish to jump in?
->go to Sceadu's Demens
Gooey Stuff You are on the outskirts of a huge tar pit. Do you wish to explore it?
->go to Tar Quarry
->go to Tar Quarry
You are at the edge of a dense forest. Do you wish to enter it?
->go to Dark Copse
->go to Dark Copse
Black Scar
(1e,10s), (7e,11s), (8e,0n), (10e,7s)
Barkeep: "Sceadu can be found in the middle of Nowhere."
Barkeep: "Sceadu can be found in the middle of Nowhere."
Listen to the bard:
->Gale of Gods
Mad god, bad god, Thrust from the sky, Foolish god, ghoulish god. We can't hear you cry. Rude god, crude god, Why must you terrify? Error god, terror god, Do not your future scry. Clever god, never god, Your time is nigh. Dire god, liar god, Why won't you just die?
->Evil's Bane In the land of no time, The Cloak within burns like a flame, Locking each in his own crime: One can only leave when he came.
->Minstrel Shield The bard smiles and says, "That one will cost thee for your bards will learn the magic of my song." "It will cost you 30000 in gold. Who will pay?" (pay) The bard plays the song and you memorize the lines.
->Gale of Gods
Mad god, bad god, Thrust from the sky, Foolish god, ghoulish god. We can't hear you cry. Rude god, crude god, Why must you terrify? Error god, terror god, Do not your future scry. Clever god, never god, Your time is nigh. Dire god, liar god, Why won't you just die?
->Evil's Bane In the land of no time, The Cloak within burns like a flame, Locking each in his own crime: One can only leave when he came.
->Minstrel Shield The bard smiles and says, "That one will cost thee for your bards will learn the magic of my song." "It will cost you 30000 in gold. Who will pay?" (pay) The bard plays the song and you memorize the lines.
->learn Gotterdamurung with 50000 gold.
Tar Quarry
The god-awful stench of sulphurous tar swirls through this pit like a cyclone. Through the wisps of choking mist you see a small building amid bubbling tar flats. You see the forest from here. Do you wish to go back?
The roiling slime-pit to the west reeks of putrifaction and decay. You see something move within the tar, but you are wise enough to keep your distance.
In the middle of the little building you see a small fountain jetting viscous black tar.
North and south of you the skeletons and gnawed corpses of creatures trapped in the tar serve as grisly evidence of the deceptive dangers of the tarpit.
To the east you see a wide area of oozing tar that produces noxious burst of steam as bubbles burst and flick tar droplets around. To your horror you see things moving in the seething pool.
Dark Copse
You're in Dark Copse at the entrance of the forest. This forest is extremely dry. A drought has taken it's toll on these once healthy trees.
Amid the ashes of the burned forest, a black door rests on the soot and appears to have no real form.
->get Shadow Door
->get Shadow Door
->use Molten Tar
The hot air ignites the tree into a fury of flame!
The hot air ignites the tree into a fury of flame!
Shadow Canyon
The Shadow Canyon stretches off into the distance. It appears to be without end but, you expect, this is, like so many other things in Tenebrosia, an illusion of some sort.
Hidden away in a crevice on the cliff wall is a lock that looks more like a shadow than anything real.
->get Shadow Lock
->get Shadow Lock
Gibbering howls echo from black sandstone walls. You cannot tell from whence they originate, but you do know no human throat uttered the cries. You shiver involuntarily.
Scrawled in a crude hand on the canyon wall you see the message: A castle is only as weak as its strongest wall.
The canyon recedes into the land's twilight murk and you feel at the end of the canyon, yet still firmly in the middle of it. This place seems to ignore all logic.
The walls are rotted around the traps.
Sceadu's Demens B1F
There is a portal above you.
The darkness feels warm and living, yet is not menacing. It conceals things, but the sharply defined shadows also reveals a stability that lets you know this is the heart of Tenebrosia.
Through the murk you see walls defining rooms with an utter absence of anything you would consider reason. You don't feel mortal dread, but a healthy fear of the unknown mixed with fear of surprises.
Hushed whispers remind you of town gossips, and your ears burn as you are certain you've heard yourself mentioned several times, but you can recall no specific item and remember no definite words.
There is a portal below.
Scratched on the wall you see: Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean you don't have enemies. You feel unfriendly eyes watching you closely.
Sceadu's Demens B2F
A laugh floats hauntingly through the air. "Alas, this end is not the end you seek."
Seated in a tall throne you see a powerful figure, but you notice almost immediately that it's easier to see him by not looking at him.

He smiles somewhat uneasily. "I know what you have come for, but I cannot surrender it to you." (won) Sceadu, stripped of his life, cries out and collapses. "Damn you, Tarjan," he swears, then fall unconscious. His labored chest heaves twice, then Sceadu lies utterly still. Sceadu's Cloak covers its now deceased owner.
->get Sceadu's Cloak
Next to Sceadu's throne is a beautifully crafted helmet. Too bad Sceadu wasn't wearing it when you ruined his day.
->get Helm of Justice
You look in pity at the body of Sceadu, "Why did he ally himself with the dark one?" someone asks.
He smiles somewhat uneasily. "I know what you have come for, but I cannot surrender it to you." (won) Sceadu, stripped of his life, cries out and collapses. "Damn you, Tarjan," he swears, then fall unconscious. His labored chest heaves twice, then Sceadu lies utterly still. Sceadu's Cloak covers its now deceased owner.
->get Sceadu's Cloak
Next to Sceadu's throne is a beautifully crafted helmet. Too bad Sceadu wasn't wearing it when you ruined his day.
->get Helm of Justice
You look in pity at the body of Sceadu, "Why did he ally himself with the dark one?" someone asks.
Carved into the black basalt floor you see the gilded question: "If Nowhere is a circle, then the middle is at the end, isn't it?"
->cast PHDO to north wall
You hear laughter echoing in your ears. "Close, but the other end is where your prize lurks."