Kinestia Ferofist's
The ground seems worn here.
Carved from solid rock, the dwarven castle you find yourself standing in radiates strength and power. Sadly, however, its walls also bear the scars of war -- and many of them are very recent.
Stadning before you, blocking the hallway, you see Hawkslayer. He's younger than the last time you met, and shows none of the signs of his long adventuring career. He stares at you and says, "The old one said I'd find allies, but I don't work with just anyone. I only want smart allies. Answe this riddle: Colder than myself, I cover myself with myself, and shrink so I can grow large again. What's the answer?"
->answer ICEBERG
"Glad to be in smart company. Listen, you magickers should know, magic is screwy here. Be careful."
->Hawkslayer can join your party
->answer ICEBERG
"Glad to be in smart company. Listen, you magickers should know, magic is screwy here. Be careful."
->Hawkslayer can join your party
The castle's Grand Reception room looms high over your head, its vaulted ceiling lost in the dim light above you. Strewn throughout you see the torn and shattered bodies of dwarves and strange machines.
Ferofist's Throne Room, stripped of the fine furnishings it once had, seems violated and dead. Broken and long dead combatants fill the room. It is a very grim sight.
Scratched deep into the wall, with coppery shards of metal embedded in the stone, you read: Why must those who rise to rival their creators always be considered damned?
->go to Barracks
->go to Workshop
->go to Private Quarter
Despite the smoke choking the passageway, you see, nailed to the walls, battle standards of Dwarven battalions. Many have been torn and defaced, but they still hang in the barracks entrance.
->get Right Key
Private Quarter
Wisps of smoke and the sounds of battle echo throughout the halls of Ferofist's private lodging wing. You see the grim reminders of war all over - most notably dying dwarves and their mechanistic foes.
A small band of dwarves looks up and growls menacingly, but an older Dwarf, seated in the middle of their protective circle, commands them to silence. His armor, once a masterwork by a dwarven armorer, is now holed through and through. The old dwarf is dying, but his eyes light up as he sees you. He coughs weakly, "You have come as prophesised. You must destroy the fruits of my foolish alliance with the dark one, find the keys and travel through my workshop into Urmech's Lair." Ferofist collapses into a lifeless shell of a man, finally at peace. The dwarves take his body away to be buried in secret. A dwarf says, "He scrawled this message on the wall. It may mean something or it may not." The final dwarf leaves. Bright hand, true hand. Thine are the months of six summers. Sinister hand, Dark hand. Three plagues upon each finger. In opposition, you ward the lair of my foolish death.
Hidden away in a corner of this room is a strange key. Judging by the oddly shaped handle, it looks like you use your left hand to turn it.
->get Left Key
->get Left Key
There is a sealed portal on the floor. It is secured by two locks.
->use Right Key, How many times will ye turn the key? => 18 times
->use Left Key, How many times will ye turn the key? => 15 times
The locks pop off the door sealing the passageway.
->go to Urmech's Paradi
->use Right Key, How many times will ye turn the key? => 18 times
->use Left Key, How many times will ye turn the key? => 15 times
The locks pop off the door sealing the passageway.
->go to Urmech's Paradi
Urmech's Paradi
A fresh breeze comes from the open portal above.
There is a portal below. Through the open portal you see a viscous, bubbling liquid the color of pine pitch.
Viscous Plane
A light from the south cuts through the murk and reveals stone walls worn smooth by the thick liquid flowing through this underground lake.
There is an opening in the ceiling that seems to go to a new area. Do you wish to swim to it?
You feel a slight current moving through the oily fluid. Something swishes through the murky lake and you feel a chainlike body writhe between your legs.
There is a portal above you. The thick, amber liquid soaks through your clothing and chills your flesh. You fight against the smothering sensation as it seals your nostrils off and blink as the fluid stings your eyes.
Through an open portal you see a viscous, bubbling liquid the color of pine pitch. Do you wish to climb into it?
Among the cold steel funiture that adorns Urmech's chamber is a small treasure chest. ->get Ferofist's Helm & Hammer of Wrath
"Is this how it must end, in violence, or can we work out an accomodation?"
"Ferofist created me, despite the God's Pact barring further creation, and through this henious act, helped free the dark one. But what of me? I have done no evil except to live. I have, in turn, created others of my kind to protect me - and so I will not be all alone. The items you seek are in my inner sanctum. I have no need of them and they are yours to take.

I have discovered a type of magic, I will share with you, if you are willing. Those who wish to learn my magic should meet me at the rear of my sanctum. There I will instill this new power into your blood." With that, Urmech leaves and enters a chamber to the south.
"Ferofist created me, despite the God's Pact barring further creation, and through this henious act, helped free the dark one. But what of me? I have done no evil except to live. I have, in turn, created others of my kind to protect me - and so I will not be all alone. The items you seek are in my inner sanctum. I have no need of them and they are yours to take.
I have discovered a type of magic, I will share with you, if you are willing. Those who wish to learn my magic should meet me at the rear of my sanctum. There I will instill this new power into your blood." With that, Urmech leaves and enters a chamber to the south.
Urmech stands before a strange and magical machine. He says... "This machine will instill into a Warrior, Bard, Paladin, Hunter or Monk the ability to use magic. You will be more than a warrior, you will be a Geomancer!! But know this, you will lose some of you fighter abilities and skills but the magic you possess will more than make up for the loss." Urmech reaches out and caresses your temples with his copper fingers. You feel a tingle and you have been changed.