Great Ice Keep
The ground seems well worn here.
The small hut holds the utter cold at bay, but the wind still whistles through small cracks, and the floor is covered with sparkling snowflakes. Seated at a desk you see the frozen body of a man (perhaps a half-elf). The weather has not been kind to him, and he is, in effect, mummified so you cannot tell how long he has been here. Despite that confusion about his body's condition, however, the gold wristlets and circlet he wears are styled after the fashion thought over 1000 years old in your world. On the desk you see, beneath a light dusting of snow, a book. Its pages are covered with a bold, flowing hand that, unfortunately, turned into weakened and trembling writing. Even a brief glance at it leaves you with the impression this was the dead man's diary. Shall you read the Diary?
You open the snow-covered diary and begin to read...
"The battle goes poorly, but that is as I would have predicted it. This time we have no hero like Hawkslayer to bolster our militia."
"The first invasion, as the song sing, would have succeeded but for Lanatir's vast magics."
"How cruel it is, then, that the invaders would have struck Lanatir down in their first attack. Without hero and god, how can we prevail?"
(later) "I agree with my brothers that none of the monsters will penetrate Lanatir's tomb, so his Sphere and the Wand of Power are safe until claimed by those capable of piercing our wards."
"It was difficult in creating those wards, powerful magic created them and only the proper spells can destroy them."
"Still, we do have hope that the foul armies swarming our verdant plains will not breech the castle and threaten Lanatir's sepulcher."
(later) "Can it be true that I, Alendar, alone made it to this remote point?"
"A full dozen, we snuck through emeny lines and were prepared to cast a powerful spell designed to freeze our beloved home and destroy the dark ones."
"But that spell required at least four of us to cast safely. Can I do it alone? If so, at what cost? My life means nothing, but will Gelidia be saved?"
(last entry, weak writing) "It is done, and I die in the storm summoned to kill my foes. So cold, so numbly cold... rest well, Lanatir. Your frozen home is my grave."
There is no more.
The small hut holds the utter cold at bay, but the wind still whistles through small cracks, and the floor is covered with sparkling snowflakes. Seated at a desk you see the frozen body of a man (perhaps a half-elf). The weather has not been kind to him, and he is, in effect, mummified so you cannot tell how long he has been here. Despite that confusion about his body's condition, however, the gold wristlets and circlet he wears are styled after the fashion thought over 1000 years old in your world. On the desk you see, beneath a light dusting of snow, a book. Its pages are covered with a bold, flowing hand that, unfortunately, turned into weakened and trembling writing. Even a brief glance at it leaves you with the impression this was the dead man's diary. Shall you read the Diary?
You open the snow-covered diary and begin to read...
"The battle goes poorly, but that is as I would have predicted it. This time we have no hero like Hawkslayer to bolster our militia."
"The first invasion, as the song sing, would have succeeded but for Lanatir's vast magics."
"How cruel it is, then, that the invaders would have struck Lanatir down in their first attack. Without hero and god, how can we prevail?"
(later) "I agree with my brothers that none of the monsters will penetrate Lanatir's tomb, so his Sphere and the Wand of Power are safe until claimed by those capable of piercing our wards."
"It was difficult in creating those wards, powerful magic created them and only the proper spells can destroy them."
"Still, we do have hope that the foul armies swarming our verdant plains will not breech the castle and threaten Lanatir's sepulcher."
(later) "Can it be true that I, Alendar, alone made it to this remote point?"
"A full dozen, we snuck through emeny lines and were prepared to cast a powerful spell designed to freeze our beloved home and destroy the dark ones."
"But that spell required at least four of us to cast safely. Can I do it alone? If so, at what cost? My life means nothing, but will Gelidia be saved?"
(last entry, weak writing) "It is done, and I die in the storm summoned to kill my foes. So cold, so numbly cold... rest well, Lanatir. Your frozen home is my grave."
There is no more.
Ice Keep 1F
The solid, ice-laden walls of this massive castle help hold the savage storm outside. Even so, the keep is not warm and the danger of frosty death stays with you even here.
to B1F
(2e,0n), (5e,9n), (10e,2n)
A stone guardian asks the party: "Speak your name, defender, and pass a friend." ->answer Hawkslayer
A stone guardian asks the party: "Speak your name, defender, and pass a friend." ->answer Hawkslayer
A slab of white marble fits flush into the floor. A gold plug sits in the center of it, and reeks of magic. Light from above falls directly onto the disk from a silver disk in the ceiling. Carved into the stone, above the gold disk, you see three overlapping circles. One arrow points from each circle toward the castle's towers.
The crystal circle is empty.
The smokey circle is empty.
The black circle is empty.
->use all three Lens
The marble platform slowly slips aside and reveals some stairs.
The crystal circle is empty.
The smokey circle is empty.
The black circle is empty.
->use all three Lens
The marble platform slowly slips aside and reveals some stairs.
Scrawled on the wall you see: Bright light, Loud thunder, Whispered terror term, Flaming guide to lead the way, Join the wall, Then no one will be the wall. A glistening black wall blocks the east wall and cuts off ingress to what you believe, from what you have seen outside, must be the Black Tower.
->cast GRRE, SHSP, FEAR, SUEL, SPBI to reveal the way to Black Tower
->cast GRRE, SHSP, FEAR, SUEL, SPBI to reveal the way to Black Tower
Scrawled on the wall you see: Lift the veil, Then counter it, False door frees, True door. A shimmering magical curtain that looks very much like an Aurora Borealis, shifts and sways between you and a door way.
->cast LEVI, ANMA, PHDO to reveal the way to White Tower
->cast LEVI, ANMA, PHDO to reveal the way to White Tower
Scrawled on the wall you see: Wolf to sate hunger, A hero true, but not one at all, Focus its attention, but better not be seen at all. Between you an the doorway beyond, you see an opalescent, hulking creature with four arms and three eyes.
->cast INWO, WIHE, FOFO, INVI to reveal the way to Grey Tower
->cast INWO, WIHE, FOFO, INVI to reveal the way to Grey Tower
Ice Keep B1F
Nothing special in this floor.
Black Tower
1F 2F 3F 4F
You know it seems mad, and you can sense things in the darkness, but you see nothing, absolutely not a thing, making up the foundation of the Black Tower!
Again you see a level without visible barriers, but you feel this place is not as formless as the level below. You do know evil dwells in its black heart.
As you climb higher in the Black Tower, the fabric of reality, though twisted and weird, becomes stronger. Chittering howls and gibbering laughter echoes throughout the void you now face.
In the darkest part of the room, the party comes face to face with the keepers of the black tower.
->encounter Black Wizards x5

On a small pedestal that was once guarded by the Black Wizards is a Black Lens. Several bodies are stacked here and they look like they have been run through a garbage disposal.
->encounter Black Wizards x5
On a small pedestal that was once guarded by the Black Wizards is a Black Lens. Several bodies are stacked here and they look like they have been run through a garbage disposal.
As you step into this area, you see a vision of a dark circle eclipsing a scarlet moon. The moon vanishes, and the dark disk pulses with vibrant and ebon power.
White Tower
1F 2F 3F 4F
Inch thick sheets of ice coat the tower walls. Stone carvings, barely visible beneath the icy sheath, remind you of the splendor that once was Castle Lanatir.
Light shimmers over the ice on the north wall and reveals a brightly painted mural. It features a young Hawkslayer and a dozen baleful creatures locked in mortal combat. The painting is old in style, yet no less beautiful for it.
A small crib is here. Engraved in a heart shaped border is "Hawkslayer and Cala" and underneath this emblem is the name "Utor".
Shattered ice on the wall reveals a small carving that reads: Cala and Hawkslayer, New Age, Anno Uno and eternity.
In a flash of brilliant white light, the party comes face to face with the keepers of the white tower.
->encounter White Wizards x6

On a small pedestal that was once guarded by the White Wizards is a Crystal Lens. Several bodies are stacked here and they look like they have been run through a food processor.
->encounter White Wizards x6
On a small pedestal that was once guarded by the White Wizards is a Crystal Lens. Several bodies are stacked here and they look like they have been run through a food processor.
The rime crusted walls are a perfect example of antique architecture long since lost to the world you call home. The frozen beauty of this tower is a priceless treasure you will carry with you always.
Grey Tower
1F 2F 3F 4F
This grey tower has an odd feel to it. Ice fills it, yet here has an etherial aspect. It does seem, curiously, as if the ice is here only because the tower does not take notice of it.
This level feels odd because the walls warp and change. The light wavers and dims, making you unsure of everything you see.
This level's icy chill seeps deep in through your flesh and sucks the warmth from your bones. It feels almost alive, and malevolent. The dark miasma leeches your courage away and leaves you very uneasy.
In a flash of dim grey light, the party comes face to face with the keepers of the grey tower.
->encounter Grey Wizards x7

On a small pedestal that was once guarded by the Grey Wizards is a Smokey Lens. Several bodies are stacked here and they look like they have been run through LaMachine.
->encounter Grey Wizards x7
On a small pedestal that was once guarded by the Grey Wizards is a Smokey Lens. Several bodies are stacked here and they look like they have been run through LaMachine.
Broken cross is the goal, yet hidden it doth be. Through the flaw egress is won, but peril is not lost. Win the lense, one third your prize, but at what cost?
Ice Dungeon
Unlike the rest of the castle, the dungeon gives mute evidence of the invasion's fierce fighting. Debris is scattered about and bodies lies encased in icy coffins.
Dead creatures litter the floor here, and your skin crawls with the overwhelming sense of latent magic.
A sign reads: Here lies Lanatir, last guardian of all magics. Only in the name of his blood may you enter.
->answer Cala, a door appears
->answer Cala, a door appears
Radiating with an inner glow all it's own, Lanatir's Wand of Power gives an aura of incredible power.
->get Wand of Power
Warm to the touch, the Sphere of Lanatir seems to want to be used in the name of Good.
->get Sphere of Lanatir
->get Wand of Power
Warm to the touch, the Sphere of Lanatir seems to want to be used in the name of Good.
->get Sphere of Lanatir