CB: Ciera Brannia
You see a deep, dark pit scarring the land like a wound. Do you wish to enter it?
->Festering Pit
->Festering Pit
There is a large pile of Arefolia leaves here. Do you want to gather some leaves?
->get Arefolia, cast GILL
->get Arefolia, cast GILL
Standing before you is a hearty warrior wearing battle-scarred armor and a big grin. You notice the gray shot through his black hair as he warmly welcomes you. "Well as I live and breath!! I'd though I'd never see you again since the time we last parted ways." "How about us getting together again?" (yes) "It's been a long time, eh, friends? How you ever knew the answer to that riddle was 'Iceberg', I'll never know. It's good to be back with old friends."
Thr ground seems well worn here.
->cast ENIK to return Wilderness in Skara Brae
Thr ground seems well worn here.
->cast ENIK to return Wilderness in Skara Brae
Foul noxious fumes rise from a gaping pit.
This field is full of beautiful flowers that float and dance on the light breezes.
You see a large oak tree here, and the ground is littered with acorns. Do you want to pick a fresh acorn off the tree?
->yes, pick up Acorn

->yes, pick up Acorn
The finger of the lake shimmers in a natural glow all it's own.
An old hut sits by the shore of a beautiful lake. Fishing equipment is stacked neatly against the hut's wall.
Reaching into the sky, Valarian's Tower stands as a monument for what once was.
Beneath the lake's wave you see a building. Do you wish to enter?
->to Lake Palace
->to Lake Palace
An old fisherman is here. He says, "For a few pieces of thy gold, I'll let thee in on a few secrets." Shall thou give some gold to the fisherman?
->yes, give 100 gold
"Thy should go into the forest and get some Arefolia leaves. They will let thee breath underwater for a little while.
->yes, give 500 gold
"Here is a spell called 'Gilles Gills' that will let thee breath underwater. Just say GILL and thee can explore the life spring in the Crystal Palace." "And don't forget to take something to carry the 'Water of Life' in, that stuff hath many healing and life giving properties!"
->yes, give 100 gold
"Thy should go into the forest and get some Arefolia leaves. They will let thee breath underwater for a little while.
->yes, give 500 gold
"Here is a spell called 'Gilles Gills' that will let thee breath underwater. Just say GILL and thee can explore the life spring in the Crystal Palace." "And don't forget to take something to carry the 'Water of Life' in, that stuff hath many healing and life giving properties!"
Valarian's Tower
Ciera Brannia
The King, a white-haired elf, stands before you. "It is our pleasure to greet you. I know you are here to recover the Arrow's of Life and Valarian's Bow. But I cannot permit the desecration of his tomb until the land has been ridded of Tslotha Garnath. Bring me his head and I will allow you access to the Sacred Grove. You may find this cursed one in the Festering Pit, an unholy place riddled with the filth from hell. Now be off! Take heed that Tslotha Garnath can only be killed with the Nightspear, a deadly weapon hidden in the top level of Valarian's Tower."
"Hail victors!" the King shouts as he sees the proof of Tslotha's destruction. "Your names will be sung in our land from now until forever for your bravery. You have rid us of Tslotha Garnath. Anyone who has done that is more than worthy of Valarian's relics." "Enjoy our hospitality, welcome guests!" the King says.
"Hail victors!" the King shouts as he sees the proof of Tslotha's destruction. "Your names will be sung in our land from now until forever for your bravery. You have rid us of Tslotha Garnath. Anyone who has done that is more than worthy of Valarian's relics." "Enjoy our hospitality, welcome guests!" the King says.
You are at the entrance of the Sacred Grove. Since you are worthy, shall you enter?
Wizard's Guild
->buy Gilles Gills with 10000 gold if you don't have it
->buy Gilles Gills with 10000 gold if you don't have it
a shrine
a tavern
->tip 100 gold
Be on the lookout for the magic gems, your spellcasters will need them.
->tip 500 gold
There is said to be a key existing in the Violet Mountains, this will gain access to Cyanis's Tower.
->tip 100 gold
Be on the lookout for the magic gems, your spellcasters will need them.
->tip 500 gold
There is said to be a key existing in the Violet Mountains, this will gain access to Cyanis's Tower.
Lake Palace
The Palace's beauty has been washed out by the centuries beneath the water, but it's majesty is undiminished. The water is dark, yet warm, and you -- an air breather -- feel curiously welcome.
Bubbling up through a hole in the floor is a glowing stream of water that fills the room. Your spirits feel joyful and the pains of recent combat are forgotten. Such is the nature of the Life Spring.
->use waterskin to collect the magical water, get Water of Life
->use waterskin to collect the magical water, get Water of Life
Valarian's Tower
1F 2F 3F 4F
Beyond the shattered door you see a floor littered with dust and dry leaves. You see some signs of small animals, but, beyond that, you see no signs of normal life.
An old tapestry adorns the wall here, it depicts a beautiful castle underneath a lake.
The Water of Life has many regenerative powers.
Something here feels wrong. You sense the tower has been violated and, while you are not the offending party, you will share in the tower's wrath.
This level shows fewer signs of neglect, yet talon-slashes through bright murals suggest something has contemptuously desecrated Valarian's private demense.
Seek the Water of Life in the Crystal Palace.
A round portal blocks your way into the central core. On the massive stone disk you see a carving of an oak tree holding a similar disk up. You see an acorn sized hole in the ground.
->use Acorn & Water of Life
The acorn, saturated with the Water of Life, burst into verdant action and a seedling rises up like Atlas, lifting the disk up and letting you pass freely.
->use Acorn & Water of Life
The acorn, saturated with the Water of Life, burst into verdant action and a seedling rises up like Atlas, lifting the disk up and letting you pass freely.
This level appears inviolate, which you should take as little consolation. Instead of fearing the beasts lurking below, you now face whatever has kept them from this level in the first place.
Hidden away in this secret closet you see the gleaming Nightspear. No lights reflect from it, and the black metal looks like a slice from the starry night sky.
Festering Pit B1F
A Magic Mouth appears and says... "White bones and bright blood, life very frail. Be wary, Mortal's, indeed you shall fail. Tslotha Garnath knows but one fear: His life is absorbed with the Nightspear!"
This place feels very strange. The darkness is palpable, as if almost alive, and it hungers for your flesh.
Festering Pit B2F
The party has entered the throne room of Tslotha Garnath. "Mortal fools, you have blundered into your deaths!!"
->encounter Tslotha Garnath

(won) However, a great flash of lights erupts from the lifeless body!! The light is absorbed by the Nightspear, trapping Tslotha's evil soul within it's darkness forever! The dead body of Tslotha Garnath is here. The head would be perfect proof of his death.
->get Tslotha's Head
The headless body of Tslotha Garnath is here. His heart seems to have an inner glow as if it will not die.
->get Tslotha's Heart
The carcass of Tslotha Garnath is here and it sure smells pretty bad.
->encounter Tslotha Garnath
(won) However, a great flash of lights erupts from the lifeless body!! The light is absorbed by the Nightspear, trapping Tslotha's evil soul within it's darkness forever! The dead body of Tslotha Garnath is here. The head would be perfect proof of his death.
->get Tslotha's Head
The headless body of Tslotha Garnath is here. His heart seems to have an inner glow as if it will not die.
->get Tslotha's Heart
The carcass of Tslotha Garnath is here and it sure smells pretty bad.
A chill raises the hairs on the back of your neck, but you realize it is not a physical cold. The evil in this place seeps through your flesh and worms its icy way into your bones.
Sacred Grove
Two emotions thread the Sacred Grove. Despite the autumnal coloring, you feel life and peace here. Beneath that, though, a bitter taste of evil fills the air. The Grove has been invaded!
Through the gilded bars of the door between you and the tomb entrance, you see the flickering eternal flame. In its blue-white light you see writing on the walls within.
The door to the tomb looks like Valarian himself standing tall. The words beside the tomb read: "In life my heart knew but one ache, one task undone. Heal that pain so I may rest, and what is mine is yours." There is a bowl in a cavity in Valarian's chest. Small tubes just out the rim of the bowl.
->use Tslotha's Heart & Water of Life
The heart, invigorated by the Water of Life, begins pumping fluid through the little tubes attached to the bowl.
->use Tslotha's Heart & Water of Life
The heart, invigorated by the Water of Life, begins pumping fluid through the little tubes attached to the bowl.
Valarian's burial chamber appears to be intact. Murals depicting his valiant deeds cover the walls of his resting place. The bow that once belonged to the Great Valarian is here.
->get Valarian's Bow
The quiver of arrows that Valarian once fought his battles with are here.
->get Arws of Life#24
->get Valarian's Bow
The quiver of arrows that Valarian once fought his battles with are here.
->get Arws of Life#24