SK: Skara Brae city; R: The Ruin
1st mission:
Deeply hidden in verdant shadows, this grove is quiet and feels very peaceful.
->cast ARBO to go Arboria, ENIK to return
Deeply hidden in verdant shadows, this grove is quiet and feels very peaceful.
->cast ARBO to go Arboria, ENIK to return
2nd mission:
Here, halfway up Earthdagger Mountain, winds swirl around and make this place earn it's name: Cold Peak.
->cast GELI to go Gelidia, ECUL to return
Here, halfway up Earthdagger Mountain, winds swirl around and make this place earn it's name: Cold Peak.
->cast GELI to go Gelidia, ECUL to return
3rd mission:
Amid the bountiful trees you find a bubbling spring that almost glows with purity.
->cast LUCE to go Lucencia, ILEG to return
Amid the bountiful trees you find a bubbling spring that almost glows with purity.
->cast LUCE to go Lucencia, ILEG to return
4th mission:
Lovingly tunneled into the mountainside, the opening to the Old Dwarf Mine looks natural.
->cast KINE to go Kinestia, OBRA to return
Lovingly tunneled into the mountainside, the opening to the Old Dwarf Mine looks natural.
->cast KINE to go Kinestia, OBRA to return
5th mission:
Stabbing up the sky like an obsidian dagger, Shadow Rock is utterly alien to the surrounding landscape.
->cast OLUK to go Tenebrosia, ECEA to return
Stabbing up the sky like an obsidian dagger, Shadow Rock is utterly alien to the surrounding landscape.
->cast OLUK to go Tenebrosia, ECEA to return
6th mission:
The flat, grassy plain stretches peacefully out in all directions. This is the Vale of Lost Warriors.
->cast AECE to Tarmitia, KULO to return
The flat, grassy plain stretches peacefully out in all directions. This is the Vale of Lost Warriors.
->cast AECE to Tarmitia, KULO to return
last mission:
Foul, noxious gases reaking of rotten eggs, bubble up through the turgid, yellow, mud-laden waters.
->cast EVIL to Malefia, LIVE to return
Foul, noxious gases reaking of rotten eggs, bubble up through the turgid, yellow, mud-laden waters.
->cast EVIL to Malefia, LIVE to return
Skara Brae City
Among the ruins of Skara Brae is an unnatural silence. As if death itself has come to stay.
The feeling of evil is forboding.
There is a statue of the Mad God Tarjan here. It's strange that it is clean and shiny as if someone has been caring for it.
Temple of the Mad God.
"This is the temple of the Mad God. What is thy business, unbeliever?"
(speak to priest) "Only those who know the name of the Mad one are welcome."
->answer TARJAN
"Speak not the name of the High one so loudly, lest he answer," the priest says. "Enter the catacombs, believer."
->answer CHAOS
"Welcome true believers! Follow the true path of Chaos and your destiny will come to you. Enter the realm of Brihasti ap Tarj."
"This is the temple of the Mad God. What is thy business, unbeliever?"
(speak to priest) "Only those who know the name of the Mad one are welcome."
->answer TARJAN
"Speak not the name of the High one so loudly, lest he answer," the priest says. "Enter the catacombs, believer."
->answer CHAOS
"Welcome true believers! Follow the true path of Chaos and your destiny will come to you. Enter the realm of Brihasti ap Tarj."
old review board
loop between (15e,5s) ~ (15e,6s)
The smoldering ruins smell odd and seem somewhat unfocused. It seems very much as if they do not belong here at all. Something very alien is present.
There is a strange silence ahead.
->to Tunnels
Foul reeking air is coming from under the door.
The priest seek another word...
spell point regenerates here
...this word will allow access to the unholy domain of Brihasti ap Tarj.
The floor sure feels sticky here.
You magic wavers near here.
This dark, gloomy tunnel reeks of death and moldy rot. You shiver to think something could live down here, and you shiver to think you might die down here.
There seems to be an old magnetic disturbance near.
Written in Blood are large letters which spell out CHAOS.
UnterBrae B1F
The tint of melancholy paves the way.
Although Skara Brae lay in ruins, it felt far more alive than this place. Something here just feels wrong: it is not of this world. Even breathing this air feels dirty.
Tacked on the door in the east wall you see the following message: Those who enter this door will never leave through it.
A magic mouth appears and says, "Speak the rhyming word to pass through!"
->answer BLUE
->answer BLUE
The shade of the wind's home will make you free.
A splash of a noble's blood colors the exit.
UnterBrae B2F
Light hurts me and bleeds me, but leaves me behind it always.
The air down here smells of dry rot and other putrefaction. The dry air feels uncomfortable and leeches moisture from you as it saps your strength and courage.
Down below, eschew the first right thing to do.
A faded figure appears and asks, "I am nothing, I make nothing, but my opposite creates me even as it destroys me. What am I?"
->answer SHADOW
->answer SHADOW
Return from beyond this place is not possible by this means.
UnterBrae B3F
Things that lurk, In shadows below Make it an unsafe place to go. First Ward: Spin lest ye be spun.
Only a fool would frontally assault the second Ward.
The first Ward's Key:
NevEr Now, EvEr iS SEEn, ElitE aNd NarroW, North by NorthWest Way, Doves MourN.
NevEr Now, EvEr iS SEEn, ElitE aNd NarroW, North by NorthWest Way, Doves MourN.
A figure appears and asks, "I have no lips, yet my kiss is deadly. I am not a razor, but those I caress need never shave again. Your best friend, I will kill you." "Speak my name, then ready me."
->answer SWORD
->answer SWORD
The three Wards below will try your soul, but that's the only way out of this hole. Brihasti is cold and he is mean. Make sure his death is quick and clean.
The third Ward's path of darkness is not without danger, but there is more to fear in the light of Brihasti's insanity.
The spectral hand of fear runs bony fingers down your spine. The air is hot and close. This place feels like the inside of a grave.
UnterBrae B4F
The party has entered the chamber of Brihasti ap Tarj! He doesn't seem pleased to meet you.
->encounter Dark Guard x4, Brilhasti x1
->after battle, party will be teleported to old review board
->encounter Dark Guard x4, Brilhasti x1
->after battle, party will be teleported to old review board
Diddledy high, Diddledy low, Come brave blood sheep, you've a goodly way to go.
So far, so good, this you all think, come even further, your blood I will drink. Brihasti am I, and great is my god. Come to me, come, down the path few have trod.