Might & Magic 2 Area B_Maps Might & Magic 2 Maps

Area - B1 / B2 / B3 / B4

1. Chopping the tall trees of the Timberlands, muscular men sing, "Oh, I'm a lumberjack…" They challenge you to fell a tree. Accept (y/n)?
->(won), "Well done, brute! Your prize is an Instant Keep."
2. A blizzard blinds the party!
->all party lose some HP and teleported to (x3,y3)
3. A snowdrift sweeps the party away!
->all party lose some HP and teleported to (x3,y3)
4. The water in this fountain is frozen solid. Break it (y/n)?
->Might = 40
5. "I am your Guardian Pegasus. What is my name?"
->(Meenu), "Correct! Your reward is 100,000 gold. Search and you will find it."
6. Before you rests antiquated Haart Hold. Request an audience with Lord Haart (y/n)?
->(answer yes and do Lord Haart's house a favor), "Two of my ancestors held items of legend which brought great honor to the House of Haart. In the seventh century, Spaz Twit owned a phaser. In the eighth century, a man known simply as The Long One owned a ceremonial loincloth. Return these items to me and you shall be rewarded."
->(return items), "Thank you so much. The House of Haart is indebted to you. You shall receive 250,000 experience. Search now for your gold and gems." (50000 gold + 500 gems)
7. Sharp icicles dangle dangerously from the cave entrance. Go in (y/n)?
8. Shortcut, Pinehurst

1. Orcon Convention. Disrupt the unwashed Orcs (y/n)?
->encounter Orc x250
2. Looks like the circus was here!
(I use trade squares in castles to rise attributes, never been to circus)
3. Circus This way
4. Archers only
5. Baron Wilfrey refuses to be bothered by any except archers.
->(archer's plus mission), "Ruthless Baron Wilfrey trains a young falcon. He throws his leather glove at your archer's foot!"
->(won), "You have saved Falcon Forest from ruthless Baron Wilfrey. Now, return to the Jurors for your reward."
6. A snowdrift engulfs your party.
->all party lose some HP
7. The Grand Order of Merchant is holding a meeting. Disrupt (y/n)?
->encounter Merchant x250
8. A great fruit tree rises majestically above you. The sun beams off a huge, golden mango. Pick and eat (y/n)?
->Intellect = 65
9. ->teleported to Pinehurst castle at random coordinate
10. Something is buried in the snow. Get it (y/n)?
->get [Ice Sickle +2]
11. Cosmic Sludge drips from the sky. Investigate (y/n)?
->encounter Cosmic Sludge x2
12. Green Message 1
13. Green Message 3
a. Griffin x3
b. Woodsman x6
c. Woodsman x30
d. Cuisinart x3

1. Etched onto a huge stone is a "D".
2. Etched onto a huge stone is a "U".
3. Etched onto a huge stone is a "R".
4. Green Message 2
5. A knight proclaims, "None shall pass!" Attack (y/n)?
->encounter Jouster x1, (drop 'TOP' equipments)
6. Upon heavy wooden doors of an ancient fortress is scrawled: Sorcerers ONLY! Enter (y/n)?
->enter Ancient Castle of Evil (sorcerer's plus mission)
7. The Jouster will only battle Knights! (knight's plus mission)
->A flurry of motion pervades Jouster's Way: Banners fly and trumpets blare as ladies and nobles view the tournament from colorful tents. Riding a restless stallion, the Dread Knight gallops toward your knight, lance braced ready at his side.
->encounter Dread Knight x1
->(won), "You have proven your worthiness by slaying the Dread Knight. The Jurors atop Mount Farview awaits you with your reward."
8. Evil Zone
9. Green Message 4
a. Druid x6

1. A mineral water fountain. Drink (y/n)?
->Might = random number
2. Gems wash ashore!
->encounter Aquasaurus x3, (won) 5 gems for each member
3. Amazon x10
->(won), Wait 'til Peabody hears about this!" says Sherman, while crafty Nakazawa bows in thanks. "Thanks for saving us from those crazy natives. If you want, look for us at the Carriage Inn."
4. Crazed Nativex15
->(won), The hyperactive fighting style of the crazed natives has influenced your Clerics to concoct a Frenzy Spell.
5. Murray's Gym. Work out (y/n)?
->(answer yes) encounter or nothing
6. Juice Bar. Drink (y/n)?
->all party poisoned (when Dawn is alive)
->all party HP = 200 (when Dawn is dead)
7. On heavy wooden doors of an old fortress is scrawled: Sorcerers ONLY! Enter (y/n)?
->enter Ancient Castle of Good (sorcerer's plus mission)
8. Neutral Zone
9. Mosaic tiles of frolicking dolphins decorate Murray's Resort Spa.
10. Massage Therapy. Want a rub down (y/n)?
->Personality = 75
11. Two scantily clad Atlantian maidens bearing baskets of rose petals beckon you to the waters of the hot springs. Bathe (y/n)?
->(not from cruise) Paying quests ONLY! See the travel agent.
->(from cruise) You feel rejuvenated(-5 age).
12. By a pit of brown gunk, a nubian eunich announces, "We use only the finest mud mixed with volcanic ash imported from distant Vulcania. Take a mud bath (y/n)?
->cure poison
13. Giants playing volleyball. Join (y/n)?
->encounter Hill Giant x12
14. A marble swimming pool. Jump in (y/n)?
->Someone has poured acid in the pool! (all party lost HP) (when Dawn is alive)
->Speed = 65 (when Dawn is dead)
15. Weird lights flicker inside Murray's Cave. Go in (y/n)?
16. Good Zone
a. Crazed Native x5

