Might Magic 1 Area D Might & Magic Book One: The Secret of the Inner Sanctum

Area Map - D1/D2/D3/D4
Area Map: D1

1. Kilburn, C-3 6-14.
2. A violent sandstorm blasts the party!
=>transported to random place
3. A small tribe of desert nomads have established a trading post here. Trade item (y/n)? =>get Cactus Nectar, only the first member's first item traded
4. A whirlwind swoops the party away!
=>transported to random place
5. Suddenly, A gargantuan scorpion attacks!
=>encounter: Scorpion x1, Giant Scorpion x13
in desert, one step cost one food

Area Map: D2

1. Clerical retreat.
2. The pool of wisdom grants those who are worthy +4 personality.
3. We are the clerics of the N. Your party is cured!
4. We are the clerics of the E. Your alignment is restored!
5. We are the clerics of the W. All curses are removed!
6. The clerics of the S shall deem you worthy, if you can find them!
in desert, one step cost one food

Area Map: D3

1. Roadsign: Algary S.9.
2. I am Arenko Guire and this is my grove. Climb all the trees, without leaving the area, and return.
(done) =>Well done! What is your pleasure? A) Gold B) Gems C) Item
=>C) Model Boat
3. Climb tree (y/n)?   =>get nothing
4. Climb tree (y/n)?   =>foods +5
5. Climb tree (y/n)?   =>cursed! (minus to attack)
6. Climb tree (y/n)?   =>poison throns
7. Climb tree (y/n)?   =>infectious sap!
8. Climb tree (y/n)?   =>poof! (transferred to x8,y11)
9. Climb tree (y/n)?   =>lightning (all party lose HP)
10. Climb tree (y/n)?   =>flash (all party SP=0)
11. A cave, enter (y/n)?

Area Map: D4

1. Algary, enter (y/n)?
2. A huge winged beast exclaims, "This swamp is quite dangerous. Fly you to safety (y/n)?"
=>(Yes) Paul Pead and Assassin Attack
=>(No) Winged Beast and Celestial Stag Attack
=>(won) seems nothing special
3. Og says, "Begone!"
=>transferred to (x7,y7), (when Og quest unsolved)
(with B&W Queen Idols)
Painted on these grounds is a black & white checkered motif covered with idols similar to the ones you carry. A large being approaches... Og speaks, "Queen to Queens Level 3" Response:........
=>(answer Queen to Kings Level 1)
You have restored my sight! (+25000 exp) I see an important prisoner in a castle on Mt. Doom! He has your sight. Og curses as the idols vanish!
=>transferred back to (x7,y7) town Alagary
a Paul Pead and Assassins

