Forlorn Dragon Wars - Forlorn Isle

Purgatory/ Mines/Slave Camp/ Slave Estate/Tars Ruins/ Guard Bridge
Enemy Exp. Special Enemy Exp. Special
Bandit 80 - Pikeman 90 drop gold
Big Dog 80 - Rock Spider 200 few only 90 Exp.
Born Loser 60 - Robber 80 -
Cannibal 30 - Spider 40 few with 80 Exp.
Drunk 90 - Soldier 100 drop gold
Fanatic 80 - Unjustly Accused 90 -
Giant Spider 110 - Wild Dog 100 -
Gladiator 130 - Wild Hound 80 -
Innocent Man 80 - Wolf 80 -
Jail Keeper 80 drop gold Yonderboy 70 -
King's Guard 100 drop gold Humbaba 1000 boss
Loon 40 -  

black market weapons Type Price AC AV limit Misc.
Hand Axe axe 60 0 0 STR5 1d10
Small Pick axe 50 0 0 STR4 1d6
Pick axe 60 0 0 STR7 1d10
Battle Axe axe 70 0 -1 STR17 1d12
Flail flail 40 0 0 STR10 1d9
Mace mace 40 0 0 STR10 1d9
Dagger sword 30 0 +1 STR3 1d7
Shortsword sword 50 0 +1 STR8 1d7
Broadsword sword 60 0 +1 STR12 1d9
Greatsword 2H-sword 80 0 +1 STR17 1d12
black market bows Type Price AC AV limit Misc.
Bow bow 60 0 0 DEX10 20''
Longbow bow 90 0 +1 DEX14  
Crossbow crossbow 60 0 0 DEX12  
Arrow #20 ammunition 50 0 0 - 1d6
Bolts #20 ammunition 60 0 0 - 1d4
Javelin throw 40 0 0 DEX12 30'', 1d8
black market armors Type Price AC AV limit Misc.
Cloth Armor armor 25 1 0 - -
Leather Arm. armor 50 3 -1 - -
Brigandine armor 80 4 -1 - -
Scale Arm. armor 250 6 -2 - -
Dragon Stone #1 item 250 - - - power recovery
a rock near Purgatory city Type Price AC AV limit Misc.
Chain Arm. armor 310 7 -3 - -
Broadsword #2 sword 60 0 +1 STR12 1d9
Hand Axe axe 60 0 0 STR5 1d10
Brigandine #2 armor 80 4 -1 - -
Bow bow 60 0 0 DEX10 20''
Arrow #20 ammunition 50 0 0 - 1d6
Mage Fire #2 spell - - - - Low Magic
Charm spell - - - - Low Magic
Luck spell - - - - Low Magic
Lesser Heal #2 spell - - - - Low Magic
Mage Light spell - - - - Low Magic
Dragon Stone #4 item - - - - power recovery

'03 (Irkalla’s Temple), pray to Irkalla and sacrifice items until Irkalla seems pleased
   ->able to enter Magan Underworld
'04 (Purgatory arena)
'05 (Morgue), use Hide skill, read Paragraph 69 then you escape from Purgatory
'09 (Namtar’s statue)
'10 a wizard offers free Low Magic scrolls (1 gold per scroll if you try to sell)
'14 (Purgatory is a giant prison), you must have Town Lore skill to read this paragraph
'67 (Slave Market)
   ->sell yourself to Slave Market, read Paragraph 58 then go to the Mines.
   all gold will be confiscated!
'77 (leader of bandits, Clopin),
   ->not describe yourself as thieves and defeat Humbaba receive 1000 gold reward
   describe yourself as thieves, read Paragraph 8
'94 (Apsu Waters description)
   enter the Apsu Waters? ->go to Magan Underworld
   you must have Arcane Lore to read this paragraph

Barkeeper rumors:
"I hear there’s a secret hatch within the southwest tower leading to freedom."
"I hear a strong man can swim to safety through the harbor."
"I hear you should pay your respects to Irkalla if you plan to enter her realm."
"I hear there’s a way to get into the wall from the northwest tower."
"I hear there is a magician in the slave camp who is impressed by magic."
"I hear bad things about the Apsu Waters. It can lead the unwary to hell."

Volunteer: Ulrik
Attribute: STR:20, DEX:17, INT:8, SPI:14, HEA:15
Skills: Cave Lore:3, Swim:1, Axes:3

*enter the arena (get equipments and fight with Gladiator, win the match to get Citizen Pap.)
*heal wounds (need to pay to heal wounds)
*swim through the harbor (you can escape from Purgatory, Swim skill needed)
Enemy Exp. Special
Guard 90 -
Snake 90 -
Spider 1 -
Cruel Slave Boss 160 -

Item Type Price AC AV limit Misc.
Rocks quest - - - - from loose rubble
Dragon Stone #9 item - - - -  
Handle quest - - - - from debris
Battered Cup quest - - - - from rubble
Laces quest - - - - from dying man
Crude Hammer quest - - - -  
garbage retrieve all your taken equipments here!

'49 (making a hammer), use Handle, Rocks or Laces from dying man to read this paragraph
   ->combine Laces, Handle and Rocks, you get Crude Hammer to break chains
'60 (a prison room in Mines)
'61 (dying old man), use Battered Cup filled with water to dying man to read this paragraph
'62 (regain freedom), defeat Cruel Slave Boss & 2 Guards to read this paragraph

*a feeble little spring bubbles in the corner. (fill water in Battered Cup)
*a dying man lays in the corner. (use Battered Cup filled with water, read Paragraph 61)
*when you leave Mines, you are in Slave Estate
Slave Camp
wounded man (Ulm) Type Price AC AV limit Misc.
Greater Heal spell 100 - - - Druid Magic
Sun Stroke spell 100 - - - Sun Magic
old wizard Type Price AC AV limit Misc.
Citizen Pap. quest - - - - -
Ruby Dagger sword 40 0 +3 STR3 1d5
War Axe axe 700 0 -3 STR18 1d12
War Flail flail 400 0 0 STR10 1d13
Hammer mace 40 0 0 STR12 1d11
Polearm 2H-sword 90 0 +1 STR13 1d10
White Arrow #10 ammunition 150 0 +1 - 1d7
Spear throw 40 0 0 DEX12 40'', 1d8
Chain Arm. armor 310 7 -3 - -
Fire Light spell - - - - High Magic
Dragon Stone #5 item - - - - power recovery
locked chest Type Price AC AV limit Misc.
Healing spell - - - - High Magic
Cloak Arcane spell - - - - High Magic
Sense Traps spell - - - - High Magic
Scare spell - - - - Druid Magic
Leather Arm. #2 armor 50 3 -1 - -
Brigandine #2 armor 80 4 -1 - -
Chain Arm. armor 310 7 -3 - -

'16 (Slave Camp entrance)
'19 use Bandage skill to help the wounded man (Ulm) to read this paragraph
'22 (union temple)
'63 (campfire) health and power fully restored after rest
'68 (old man named Carson)
'88 (men in dice game)

Volunteer: Louie
Attribute: STR:14, DEX:16, INT:16, SPI:16, HEA:15
Skills: Hiding:2, Pickpocket:2

Notes: *in front of old wizard’s house
 (use any kind of Magic Knowledge in front the door, then you can enter)
Slave Estate
Enemy Exp. Special
Goblin 90 -
Snake 200 -
Gaze Demon 400 boss, breath attack

guardroom Type Price AC AV limit Misc.
Hammer mace 40 0 0 STR12 1d11
Ruby Dagger sword 40 0 +3 STR3 1d5
Shortsword sword 50 0 +1 STR8 1d6
Dragon Stone #6 item - - - STR12 power recovery
dressing room Type Price AC AV limit Misc.
Mirror item - - - - -
locked chest Type Price AC AV limit Misc.
Handaxe axe 60 0 0 STR5 1d10
Gold (100) - - - - - -
Mirror item - - - - near locked chest

'01 (inferior art)
'99 (Mog’s biography)
'103 (Mog’s room)
'105 (trace of huge creature)
'117 (unusual statue)

*you see tracks of something not quite human (use Tracker skill, trace leads you to Mog’s room)
*the floorboards creak as you walk (a secret door near)
Tars Ruins
in ruins
Exp. Special Enemies
Exp. Special
Giant Snake 100 - Adventurer 130 -
Goblin 90 - Cave Snake 120 -
Lizard Ape 90 call help Cave Wolf 120 -
Shadow Spider 120 - Ghoul 150 -
Skeleton 80 - Giant Snake 100 -
Spider 50 - Goblin 120 -
Spitting Lizard 70 breath attack Guard Goblin 90 -
Underworld Beast 110 - Lizard Man 150 -
Guardian Snake 1200 boss Skeleton 80 -
  Spider 70 -
Spitting Snake 90 -
Wizard 250 cast Fire Light
cast Whirl Wind
Wraith 180 cast Fire Light

Items in ruins:
northern wall Type Price AC AV limit Misc.
Air Summon spell - - - - High Magic
Elvar's Fire spell - - - - High Magic
Exorcism spell - - - - Sun Magic
Guidance spell - - - - Sun Magic
warrior's remains
(guarded by Guardian Snake)
Type Price AC AV limit Misc.
Large Shield shield 1000 3 -2 STR12 -
Firesword sword 900 1 +2 STR17 1d12
Dragon Stone #6 item - - - - power recovery

Items underground:
secret closet Type Price AC AV limit Misc.
Stone Arms quest - - - - -
hidden cupboard Type Price AC AV limit Misc.
Healing Pot. #10 item - - - - Heal
Dragon Stone #5 item - - - - power recovery
locked chest Type Price AC AV limit Misc.
Gold (2500) - - - - - -
Fire Light spell - - - - High Magic
Death Curse spell - - - - Druid Magic
Sun Stroke spell - - - - Sun Magic
Gold (1000) - - - - - -

Paragraphs: (only in ruins)
'23 (decorations on the wall), you need to use Town Lore to read this paragraph in ruins

*you notice signs that a party of men have passed this way
 Tracker skill will lead you to the place where described "A huge slab of stone lays before you."
 ->use Strength to remove slab and find stair beneath the slab which leads to underground
 STR10 is enough!

Underground Notes:
*An irregular shaft leads into the bowels of the earth (use Climb skill to go to Magan Underworld)
*message "Your footsteps sound hollow here." means a secret wall is near.
Guard Bridge from Forlorn to Isle of Sun
Enemy Exp. Special
Guard 100 drop gold, in front of bridge
Bridge Guard 320 drop gold
Rat 70 -
Goblin 90 rear of bridge

arms cache Type Price AC AV limit Misc.
Bladed Flail flail 1000 0 0 STR10 1d14
Shield shield 1000 2 0 STR10 -
Sunlight spell 100 - - - Sun Magic
Helm helmet 1000 1 0 - -
Dragon Stone #4 item - - - - power recovery

'12 (bridge guard walks to you)
'13 (bridge is the only way out)

*message written on a stone
 "To restore the master of High Magic, the various pieces of his body must be found
 and returned to the City of the Yellow Mud Toad."

